
Neighbors of Les Deveses denounce the abandonment of the beach

10 July 2017 - 16: 57

Area the Deveses It is one of the farthest from the municipality of Dénia, but it is still a municipal competence. A neighbor of this area has wanted to show the discomfort they are living by sending us these photographs despite the fact that "we rigorously pay taxes".

According to reports, "We suffer a beach abandonment that has been deteriorating day by day for 12 years. The beach full of debris and the foot washers do not work properly, the garbage containers are piled up, there is trash on the floors."

In their complaint they recall that "This beach, which sported its splendor years ago, is abandoned by the city hall of Dénia". That is why they have presented letters, spoken with city council, "and there is nothing at all. We keep waiting but we never stop paying, we demand our rights".

  1. Francisco says:

    I would like us to treat like the rest of the neighbors of Denia. The neighbors of Deveses also pay taxes. The beach is still maintenance free.

  2. Dolores says:

    It is a shame to leave the beach abandoned, uncleaned and the water continues to rise, it reaches under the stairs of the buildings where does our tax money go?

    • International_Hyena says:

      Dear Dolores;

      Its money in the form of taxes is destined to paint passages of rainbow colored pedestrian and to tune buses of the gay pride.

      Keep putting a piece of paper in an urn every 4 years, follow! It is seen that this practice is very useful.
