
Rafa Carrió: «On 28A vote! Vote with the cap and the cor »

26 2019 April - 12: 29

Voldria demand that the 28A dipositares teua confiança in Compromís.

And you will ask...Is it a useful vote? Doncs jo et dic yes. With your vote, it is possible for a Valencian parliamentary group to make decisions that think about the lives of the 4.963.703 Valencians and Valencians and do not think about the one their parties live in Madrid or Barcelona. A parliamentary group with Joan Baldoví (the most valued politician by the CIS), the only one who has put on the table the need for just financing for our territory and the assumptions that concern the people of the Navy. Why is it important that you vote for Compromís? Because, more to more, you will have the veu de María José García representant-te to Madrid, a veu com la teua.

Pel que fa a los eleccions valencianes, tenim l'oportunitat that Monica Oltra follow the first president of the Generalitat. Compromís has canviat the politics of pelotazo for a productive economy to the servei of the people, apostant pels nostres sectors productius and the creation of stable occupation and qualitat; ha fet fora als corruptes; s'han enfortit els serveis públics i s'ha investit in the people, in the policies of dependence, in a sustainable environment, and in education. An exemple is the 18 milions d'euros that s'han deixat in Dénia for the reform, renovation and new construction of centers educatius provinents of Pla Edificant.

You commit som eixe partit that has always been at the expense of the gent. The gent com tu. I hem fet a campanya in which s'han explicat les politiques i millores posades in marxa, amb xifres, rigor i serietat. Perquè politics is not to serve to create odi, pegant crits darrere of banders sense cap argument sòlid, neither given, nor proposta, impulsant-te to vote with the viscera.

Nosaltres et demanem that you vote with the cap, i sobretot amb el cor. Som the guarantee d'un govern de progrés. The 28A votes to Compromis, per your, for me, per tots i totes nosaltres. Perquè sols amb tu, serem unstoppable.

Rafa Carrió
Candidat to the City Hall of Dénia per Compromís

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