
Can Dénia propose measures to protect the rights of the LGTBI collective

23 June 2017 - 12: 44

Alexander Rodenkirchen and Julio Palacios, councilors of Demos in Dénia, have presented to the City Council a proposal containing measures in five areas of municipal competence aimed at advancing the defense of the rights of the LGTBI collective.

Among the measures proposed are communication and cultural actions such as campaigns to raise awareness and prevention of discrimination, training of professionals, talks and provision of libraries with specialized sections and books. Also, the creation of an office of attention to LGTBI people; As well as guarantees of privacy for transsexual people in municipal sports facilities. The fourth point of this proposal includes solidarity with those who suffer discrimination or persecution for sexual orientation or gender identity beyond our borders and protection of the sexual exile. The proposal completes the petition to the central government of the depatologization of transsexuality and intersexuality without affectation of sanitary rights, a comprehensive law of transsexuality and a law against LGTBIfobia.

The Dianan councilors have already presented the document with the proposal to the City of Dénia coinciding with the week of pride LGTBI and when they are 38 years of the first demonstration called by the Sexual Movement of the Valencià Country.

To recover philosophy as a compulsory subject

In another order of things, the councilors have submitted a proposal to the City Council to urge the Valencian Government to include as compulsory subjects Philosophy in 4o ESO and the History of Philosophy in 2o Bachillerato.

According to Rodenkirchen, "Recovering for Philosophy the position that you should never have lost means opting to form a refexive, democratic and critical citizenship, an objective that most citizens share, which is already a frme de les Corts mandate and that does not admit delays".

  1. Paco says:

    How it has bitten you ... hahahaha

  2. Paco says:

    Floured, Bolivarian or Bolibarian? When he agrees, he will tell us, Leave ... better Leave ... the macho wolf ... I loved it. White Spanish? I understand… .for the rest of Europeans we are medium / low level olive brown. Ask any European foreigner to see in Marqués de Campo

    • OyVey_OyGevalt says:

      Paquito, champion, go to another with the story that the Spaniards are little less than Moors.

      Do not be a lamb and find out a bit. You hear bells and you do not know where. Perhaps you will speak for yourself, but please do not put us all in the bag that you left.

      The predominant haplogroup in the 70% of the Spanish is the R1b, thus conserving the lineage of the first settlers of the continent besides an important celtíbera inheritance. Neither the Phoenicians / Carthaginians nor the Greeks nor the Goths nor the Romans nor the Arabs substantially altered the genetic composition of this primitive population, the contribution of these peoples was much stronger at the cultural level than at the genetic level.

      I leave a clarifying image: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QDjeP_vCcms/Tmadq0zkQKI/AAAAAAAABC0/4e7jDOy6ZNM/s1600/Screenshot_22121.jpg

      Nothing for the knowledge provided, phenomenon.

  3. Verräter says:

    this is already a joke ...

    Here is protected to all querqui except the poor white Spanish and heterosexual.

  4. Josep Ssnz. says:

    Another nonsense of the Bolibarians.
    Then know your boss. The mature narco-bolivarian murderer. Treat homosexuals with kicks.
    Quit making theater that his hairy leg smells like macho wolf.
