
Fallas weekend with the exaltation of the Falleras Mayores of Dénia 2024

18 September 2023 - 11: 35

An intense Fallas weekend ends, especially for the highest representatives of the failures of Dénia 2024 and its courts of honor. Mar Moncho and Candela Marco, together with Aixa, Belén, Gemma, Maria, Aroa, Luna, Naia and Claudia, have celebrated their proclamations in two days full of emotions and affection.

On Friday it was the turn of the major fallera of Dénia 2024, Mar Moncho, in an event called "Mare Nostrum", presented by the fallera Safir Malonda. Emotion on the surface and a lot of intensity from the heart to exalt Mar, who listened very excitedly, first of all, to the words of the mayor of the city, Vicent Grimalt, with whom she has had a close relationship since she was little. And intense emotions awakened by her supporter, the Deniero journalist Toni Reig, with words of esteem and admiration towards the major fallera of Dénia 2024.

On such an important day, Mar was accompanied by the representatives of the Fallas world of Dénia, in addition to the sister festivals of the city, and also by the highest representatives of the festivals of Picanya, Sant Joan d'Alacant, Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Elda, Sogorb, Elx, Jumilla, Sueca, Xàtiva, Torrent, Borriana, the Bellea del Foc of Alacant, Belén Mora, and the major fallera of Valencia, Laura Mengó.

On Sunday morning, the Fallas youth celebrated the proclamation of Candela Marco as their highest representative. The "Som" event was led by the Dénia 2020-2022 children's fallera major, Martina Gimeno, accompanied on stage by live music from Cachorras Band.

Candela, along with her court of honor, listened carefully to the words of complicity of her supporter, Raquel Alario, major fallera of València 2017. The children were also accompanied by the fallero world of Dénia, the festivals of Sant Roc and representatives of other towns in the Valencian Community and Murcia.

1 Comment
  1. reflections says:

    There are undoubtedly people who need these things to have a life. Or fill it.

    It seems strange to me how little self-absorbed this society is. Self-absorbed in a good way, in the sense of personal growth and reflection of thought. In the sense of looking inside. Ask yourself questions, and try to answer them. I don't have time for parties, for events, for dinners and soups. But there are people who also don't have time to stop, think, reflect, live, see, breathe.

    Everything is a train with cars full of things to fill your emptiness, and if you don't get on it, you are not welcomed in society.
