
Dénia designs some thirty actions to promote the consumption of local and ecological products

25 July 2017 - 06: 25

Within the Action Plan "Dénia&Marina Alta Tastinglife" of the UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, Dénia has designed the Agrarian and Territorial Revitalization Strategy For the 2017 / 2020 period, an action program aimed at promoting the production, training, marketing and consumption of local and ecological products and promoting a more sustainable administration.

presentation of environmental revitalization strategies in denia

The Councilor for Environment, Climate Change, Agriculture and Fisheries, Josep Crespo, Accompanied by Àlvar Kuehn, technician in charge of the development of the lines of agriculture and fishing, described the actions to be carried out during the next years.

Four areas of work

In order to carry out this program, four areas of work have been established in which the designed actions are framed. The of Governance Aims, among other objectives, the empowerment of the agri-food sector and the promotion of collaboration between administrations and between them and the sector.

A second area is dedicated to the territorio And contemplates, among other purposes, the realization of a diagnosis and valuation of our environmental environment, the creation of a land bank (to be presented next Friday, 28 of July, 19.30 hours, in the House of Culture) and Of a bank of seeds or the preparation of an agronomic map of our territory.

In the field of Economic promotion, The strategy seeks to strengthen the local market or promote ecotourism, among other goals.

Finally, we work in the field of initial and continuous, With actions such as ongoing training in agriculture, already in place, or the project to get certified training in organic farming; Education, through the program Hort the school, Which aims to boost school gardens, promote local products in schools or make visits to local producers with students; And, finally, disclosure. In this last section it is foreseen the identification and cataloging of singular trees, cattle tracks and rural roads, among others.

Other actions planned

Specific actions planned include the opening, in September, of a space where information will be provided on the activities to be carried out, the scheduled courses, the operation of the land bank or subsidies directed to the sector .

Another of the projects in which it is working is the creation of a new land bank with parcels of municipal property.

The promotion of composting, taking advantage of organic and pruning debris, or the creation of an ecological product consumption group in which its members establish direct and periodic contact with local producers for purchase, also acting as promoters of the organic product Local, are other actions planned.

What's New in Family Excursions

Likewise, the council is designing, within the “Excursions en família” program that it develops during the months of the school year, to carry out outings related to the agricultural sector, both local and regional. As examples, Crespo has mentioned the guided visits that will be projected to the Poble Nou de Benitatxell to learn about the BioMoscatell project, to the Pego bombón rice crops, to the greenway, to learn about orange cultivation and its different varieties, to the fishermen's guilds, with the possibility of attending a fish auction or to the Xaló wineries.

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