
«Tindrem governs with the force of the dialect»

08 June 2023 - 21: 23

OPINION Compromís per Dénia

With a favorable trend to the right in the whole Valencian territory, also in Dénia, we commit to maintaining the number of councilors and increasing the number of votes. After 28M, the political map shows that the citizenry prefers coalition governments and that Compromís is determined to form a stable government.

I en eixe sentit, Compromís hem repost dialogante amb totes les forces que ens ho han sol·licitat: porquè som la força del diàleg, porquè així ens vam comprometre en campanya i per responsabilitat cap al poble.

After the meetings held and with the blessing of our militància, they decided to talk with him PSPV to agree on the future of Dénia in a shared way and turn it into the Valencian capital of progressive politicians.

We know when we come, on this volem anar, and the present reality is that we are necessary. I for això we are negotiating an agreement that we consider just and necessary for us to be able to manage and make visible to both our weights and courage our politicians.

The numbers are the ones that they are but Compromís have an active role in the decisions and policies of the government, they are not the complement of any. We will offer once again more responsibility, stability and joint work. But we also require the mateix acknowledgment and work conditions to be able to execute our political programs, which we always bear from the dialogue and the respect to all the citizens.

The Generalitat feels the Botanical, poorly, ens deixarà amb l'absència of very many politicians of democratic, moral wealth and in tangible projects to improve the lives of people. We do not agree with the mateix vent in favor, but we all commit to work bravely, with responsibility and courage, looking forward to a future miller for our society. I now live from this “Botanical Territory” that we will have the Navy, a space for reconstruction in the face of the reactionary wave.

  1. Luis says:

    Like the Botanical pact in 2015? If they don't even remember that's how they go….
