
Pilgrimage in honor of the Virgen del Rocío

Event Date: June 17th, 2011
Event type: Party
Site: Boy Scout Enclosure
Schedule: Consult
Home: Free
Event finished

The Dénia boy-scout site will host, between June 17 and 19, the Pilgrimage in honor of the Virgen del Rocío that organizes the Casa de Andalucía Denia.

Friday June 17:

20 h .: Performance of dance groups of the House of Andalusia

Saturday June 18:

14 h .: Andalusian gazpacho
18 h .: Romeros concentration in Torrecremada and near the Casa de Andalucía.
19 h .: Output image of the Virgen del Rocio headquarters. At the door a salve will pray and doves are released. After the reverence of all pilgrims to the Virgen del Rocio the pilgrimage will begin with the following itinerario: Avd. 9 d'Octubre - Avd. del Montgó - Plaza. Jaume I - C/ Patricio Ferrándiz - Plaza Archduque Carlos- Avd. de Alicante - C/ Teulada- C/ Ramón Ortega - Carretera de La Xara a Jesús Pobre, until Polygon Juyarco Industrial Enclosure Scout.
22 h .: tasting Tomacat
00 h .: Salve Rociera.
1 h .: Santo Rosario
2 h .: Cast chocolate and Coca Mary.

Sunday June 19:

11: 30 h .: Blessing and imposition of medals to the new pilgrims.
12 h .: Mass of Romeros sung by the choir rociero Al-Andalus
13 h .: Vin d'honneur
17 h .: Snack for children
20 h .: Return of the Virgen del Rocio to the House of Andalusia.

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