
Prom representations of the Escola de Teatre Comarcal (ETC)

Start date: June 21th, 2015
Finish date: June 28th, 2015
Event type: Theater
Site: ETC Room and Social Center
Schedule: Consult
Home: Free
Event finished

The ETC (Escola de Teatre Comarcal) faces the end of the course with the representation of the works that the students of the different levels have prepared in the last months. Here is the calendar of representations:

21 Sunday of June. 19.30 hours. Room ETC. Advanced group.
Degree: What barruntarán?
Author J. Cedena
Duration: 60 minutes
Address: Albert G. Caselles
Synopsis: succession of apparently common scenes that create a scheme of absurd, sometimes cunning, sometimes limits and, above all, histrionic and provocative characters ...

Tuesday 23 of June. 20 hours. Room ETC. Children's group
Work: Rebelion on the farm
Author G. Orwell
Address: Antonia Diaz

Friday 26 of June. 16 hours. Room ETC. Russian children's group.
Work: House cat
Author S. Marschak
Duration: 50 minutes
Address: Svetlana Kartounova
Language: Russian
With this work we learn that true friendship can save the world.

June 27 Saturday. 20.30 hours. Room ETC. Beginners group
Work: The Shoemaker's Prodigious Wife
Author F. García Lorca
Address: Albert G. Caselles

28 Sunday of June. 19 hours. Social center. Teenage group.
Work: OOPO
Address: Antonia Diaz
The ETC Juvenil and the workshop of Circus Techniques of Llunàtics carry out a joint work.

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