
Opinion of Josep Bernabeu (director of GASTERRA): «Gastronomic research in the Marina Alta: a valuable value in the fight against COVID-19»

01 June 2020 - 10: 06

In a moment with the current impact of the coronavirus pandemic, it is felt to feel a special intensity in sectors such as that of the restaurant industry, to show contradictory parlar of gastronomy with a camp d'oportunitats. In reality, these are circumstances that give current status to the gastronomic sector's capacity to advance in the line of a sustainable economy model, based on the connection that research and innovation provide. Two activities that guide the performance, applicability and dissemination of the results, in addition to guaranteeing access to any user who is interested in serving them, particularly who have been financed with public funds.

The condition of applied science that characterizes gastronomy is explained by the object of the study of gastronomic knowledge in incloure, as well as the culinary treatise, in the form of eating the food, its characteristics and the way of obtaining the i / o processar-los. He also explains the process of setting up the gastronomic sciences and the culinary arts, which is the result of the total fusion of a set of basic knowledge that comes from different study camps: physics, chemistry, biology, veterinary science, agronomy, botany, zoology, medicine, human nutrition and dietetics, food science and technology, anthropology, sociology, history, economy, geography, ethnography, architecture and art, among altres matèries. Tot això explains the multidisciplinary approach that used to characterize gastronomic research and quality training, as we will see below, but to donate, it is responsible for replies with the proposals for COVID-19.

The culinary and gastronomic activity is conditioned by the model or models of production and consumption of food on which it is developed. In our context, we have witnessed a growing demand to change the paradigm that represents the agrochemical revolution, which is to consolidate the length of the segona meitat of the twentieth century. A model that has proved unsustainable and is at the origin or has contributed to the aggregation of environmental problems and health problems. This would be the case of the climatic canvi or sense anar luny more, that of sanitary crisis associated with emerging natural infectious malalties, as is the case of the coronavirus pandemic. Tampoc can To obliterate the increase of chronic and degenerative pathologies, in good measure avoidable, which are linked to unsuitable habits and to feed us gens or unhealthy people.

In a communication from the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on the Canvi Climàtic de l'Organització de Nacions Unides (UN) of 8 d'agost de 2019, s'assenyalava the need to rethink the production system of food and food habitats, Tornant to a more vegetable diet and a more sustainable and respectful agriculture with the environment. The report highlights the paper that sustainable gastronomy can play in achieving the Objective of Sustainable Development (ODS) of l'Agenda 2030. Specifically, the one that refers to responsible production and consumption, by facilitating agricultural development, the food safety, nutrition, sustainable production of food, conservation of biodiversity and the natural and cultural diversity of the planet.

The practical and effective concretion of tots aquests supòsits, the trobar podem in proposals with the gastronomy associated with local products and the commitment cuisine. Alternatives that are located in the parameters of the ethical economy and are based, above all, on local purchasing, organic production, seasonal food and fair payments.

The value that the geographical proximity incorporates, by facilitating the relationship between producer and consumer -both in terms of socials, territorials, cultural coms-, reinforces the security and the quality of the ingredients. The respect for the seasonality and the maturation processes is a huge problem in the nutritional and organoleptic qualities (flavors, flavors, textures, colors, etc.) of the food. Fins i tot, permet rediscover sabors amb identitat pròpia or plaers organolèptics oblidats or molt poc accessible.

The demand for local produce that implies the proximity element, to help the consolidation of rural businesses and the territoriality of bona part of the food chain. It was also favored by the recovery of gastronomic values, which in many cases have been marginalized or are troben en perill d'extinció. Sense to obliterate the visibility that bestows actors who have been considered alternatius or s'han situat al marge dels sistemes imperants de producció i distribució d'aliments.

Now Marina Alta, the recognition by UNESCO of Dénia as a creative city of gastronomy, will open a window of opportunity to advance in the change of paradigm that has just been explained. How is it going to be able to check the D * NA Forum "Cuinant una terra, llaurant un futur" from the month of November (https://dna-forum.es/), at the end of the darrers anys s'han posat en
marxa diagnòstics and plans d'acció that place gastronomy as a recepta for a sustainable future (http://www.denia.es/adjuntos/directori/docs/37.pdf). S'han anat consolidant initiatives that are in tune with movements with Slow Food, the committed kitchen or the parameters of a gastronomy based on local production and commerce. A philosophy and values ​​that are present in the trajectories of molts dels nostres cuiners i cuineres, who innovate from tradition and are a fan of compromises with the territory and sustainability.

We disposem, per tant, of moltes de les eines necessàries per to turn our cuisine into a motor of canvi. Comptem with a unique culinary and gastronomic space, with identity and tradition, with a diversity of resources and products and with a potential reconnection in the field of gastronomic tourism. But ask yourself if this potential is consolidated, who are the prospects for the future, conditions for the impact of COVID-19, and who is to play the gastronomic research.

In addition to assuring the objectives and developing the lines of action, the proposals and commitments that will be added to the D * NA Forum, it may be advisable to incorporate all the economic agents and social agents involved. Engage them in a common project, which, in addition to revitalizing the agri-food sector, consolidates the culinary potential of the Marina Alta and locates it as a tourist destination of excellence in gastronomy.

Projectes d'investigació with the map of the gastronomic value chain of the Marina Alta, which is owned by the Universitat d'Alacant amb suport de Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, permetrà identify the components that make it up: from the agri-food sector to the tourist, passant per la restauració, l'hostaleria i la distribució. It will analyze the degree of integration and / or participation of the different economic agents and social implications and will determine who are the interconnexions that exist between them, in evaluating the fortaleses and the weaknesses. Finally, according to the character of the research, it is possible to articulate the measurements that reinforce the first and help to overcome the segons.

The preservation, recovery and updating of culinary traditions, is beyond the lines of investigation that can help to achieve a new model of production and consumption of food. They form part of a culinary system, that of the Mediterranean food culture, which can contribute to a healthy and sustainable diet. Per això, in addition to adapting to the current nutritional requirements and life styles, to protect them and make them accessible, based on the possibilities offered by the information and communication technologies.

In this sentit, the elaboration of a Corpus of the culinary heritage of the Marina Alta preserves a dels elements more representative, but also more fragile of the intangible cultural heritage of our gastronomy. Faria valdre la seua singularitat i els seus productes i could help in the creative process of the cuiners and cuineres who seek to innovate from tradition. In addition, teach them how to cook with recipes and traditional dishes, to improve the results of educational programs in food and nutrition.

It remains to comment on a third exemple d'àmbits of applied research that can contribute to the model canvi that is claimed. In the Marina Alta, the gastronomy associated with tourism represents one of the main attractions of the tourist offer. But in a moment of current crisis, it will be necessary to rethink it and tackle it in the context of the creation of tourist tourism productions, in the reform of existents and in the paradigms canvi that represent gastronomy and proximity cuisine. . In addition to the routes, experiences and gastronomic days, fires, exhibitions, traditional markets, festivals and festivals related to gastronomy, there are three great ways to practice gastronomic tourism, which will enhance mitjançant eines i projectes d'investigació. It is the case of gastrocultural tourism or the relationship with the gastronomy of benestar. Dues de les àrees that can turn gastronomic tourism, the d'excel·lència, into promoter of sustainable development and promoter of health.

If the mechanisms that facilitate synergies between the different resources are capable of articulating, it is necessary to renounce the innovation and innovation, the gastronomic tourism can become an instrument favoring territorial dynamitzaci and local development. In scenes with the one that is configured because of the COVID-19, the interaction between tourism, tradition and culinary and gastronomic singularity, with a positive effect in promoting a qualitative and sustainable tourist offer.

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