
The students of IES Number 3 mobilize more than 600 people for Women's Day

08 March 2018 - 13: 42

The idea came from a group of students of IES 3 Number of Dénia, and the center's AMPA did not hesitate to support them. And the day has come, not only the AMPA has been at his side: more than 600 people have joined this March 8 to the concentration for equality called by the students of the institute.

Specific to his appointment, to the 10: 00 of the morning read the manifesto of this call, an adaptation of the manifesto written by the 8M Commission in which they shouted "Enough" in the face of violence against women and oppression. They also demanded that the work of the caregivers be recognized "as a first order social good" and the revision of pensions.

The music contributed the festive tone to the morning, which was sprinkled with spontaneous interventions by women who wanted to read poetry, protest texts or contribute their points of view as mothers or as workers.

At the summoning of the IES Number 3, members of CCOO, postal workers, city workers, Iaioflautas and some politicians of the government and opposition team joined.

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