
The Acydma membership meeting will be the August 9

28 July 2018 - 05: 56

The Cultural and Sports Association Marina Alta (Acydma), has summoned its partners to the Ordinary General Assembly, which will take place next Thursday, August 9, at 20:20 p.m. on first call and at 30:3 p.m. on second call. The assembly will take place at the Acydma headquarters, located at Avenida de Alcoy, XNUMX.

Agenda of the assembly

The assembly contains the following agenda:

1. Reading and Approval if it comes from the minutes of the previous session.
2. Statements of accounts for the previous fiscal year (2017-18). Balance sheet.
3. Date of registration of the teams of the different competitions.
4. Questions and answers.

It's Acydma's own president, Alberto Portillo, who asks all their associates to attend as the topics that are going to be discussed are of the utmost importance. Although the experience indicates that there will be very few who come to the assembly. It seems that in the Acydma competitions everything works well and that is why its members prefer that everything runs along the same lines.

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