
Withholding kilometers to reach the Ondara exit of the AP-7

August 03 from 2019 - 13: 46

August has arrived a few days later, but in a big way. During this noon, tourists who wanted to start the quiet holiday in our area, have encountered kilometers of tail on the highway to reach our tollbooth.

Approximately, 15 kilometers of retentions have been witnessed during the noon of this Saturday. Hard waiting hours to reach the precious destination: holidays in the Marina.

  1. Enric Gomez says:

    Walking around the city has become a high-risk sport, many cars do not respect the zebra crossing. By bike, for still, cars go by rubbing you. Circulation in the city has become somewhat chaotic. I would like to know how the local and national police have been reinforced to control this invasion that we suffer every summer.

  2. Nekane says:

    Well, don't let it build anymore. Everything is saturated. This has gotten out of hand and always full.
