
"Guanya the progressive Dénia"

09 June 2023 - 11: 49


Tenim acord i tindrem govern: a bon govern, a stable, progressive and d'esquerres govern. The government that Dénia vol i mereix.

Compromís The PSPV-PSOE have returned to demonstrate that both generosity, priorities are clear and many trellat, diàleg and capacity of consensus, which is what characterizes our two formations, can work together to continue to honor our city.

Because Dénia bears molts and molts anys voter for progressisme and merits this accord, for more than mai, when they are maintaining fidels to some democratic values, in the broadest sense of the word, for damunt of the advancement of populism.

We are two parties of esquerres, progressives, with a very clear and shared vision in very important matters such as health, education, social politics, the environment, the urban model... So the program will not be a problem.

Nor have they followed the personalities, which have been left on the side to guarantee a pact in which to guarantee Dénia.

The PSPV-PSOE of Dénia and Compromís have agreed to alternate the mayoralty according to the proportion of councilors elected in the final municipal elections: 9 from the PSPV (3 years of mayoralty) and 3 from Compromís (any of legislature). A decision that tea with the objective to continue guaranteeing the politicians that have transformed Dénia and that they will follow it by millions of the best four years.

For some concrete names there is the transformation project of the city and the politicians who have endorsed the majority of the ballot boxes and the deniers on May 28.

Also according to the proportion of councilors, the representation in the Local Government Board will be 5 socialist councilors and 2 from Compromís.

I will not oblige or offend the respective militants' efforts to reach consensus, their generosity and their support for progress towards our city.

Ens posem to work to return to govern together and fer-ho molt bé, com ja vam demostrarse fa dos legislatures.

I, above all, to comply with the maximum responsibility of the prisoner of the citizens of Dénia, who has apostatized, once more, for a government of esquerres, which more than that of labels means a profoundly democratic government; defender of public services; commitment to modernity and sustainability. A government for the people, for everyone and everyone alike.

  1. Daniel says:

    Congratulations on the bus station! A magnum opus of engineering... And the almost 4-hour tram to Alicante, another achievement….
    The good news is that for now you will have an opposition in conditions and you will not be able to be unsuccessful without giving explanations to the plenary session.

  2. Pillar says:

    !!The one that awaits us !! Amaia of power to not even make the egg
