
Emotica: the letter of wishes

03 December 2014 - 13: 00


This time of the year arrives and with it the illusion of many parents and children before the choice of toys and the writing of the "letter" for Santa Claus or the Wise Men.

The writing depends on the age. We can cut with them toys from magazines and paste them, let them scribble or write in their own way; The important thing is not to rectify or add and "read" what you want to convey with your Letter of Wishes.

What should we know about it?

First, it is important to note that from the smallest to the biggest must write your letter. It share and spend that time with your family you will help us convey messages that will help them understand what they can expect and will serve to open a communication channel based on dialogue, understanding and active listening.

How can we help them write the letter?

Here I show you some suggestions:

- we must not set limits on gifts; that you feel you have permission to desire, to believe in the magical night and have illusion.

- Convey the idea that they will read your letter, they will surely bring some of it and possibly even something that is not in it, because "that is the Magic" of Santa Claus or the Magi, who do not really know what they will decide to bring " .

- It is not worth saying or judging about what is written or the toys cut out in the letter.

- not use the card as a consequence or gain to "behave well or badly"; remember that neither Santa Claus nor the Magi control or educate ... They only convey illusion.

- Do not buy everything you put on the list. We have to value what we choose based on our educational criteria and family economy.

- It should be remembered that there is no need to "bag" gifts; What children really need is a lot of enthusiasm, love, love and, above all, that we share our time with them.

Psychology cv08093
Master Clinical Psychology and expert in early care

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Avenida Ramón Ortega, 5
Kids, "Salud"
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