
Unemployment rises again in the Marina Alta during the month of October

November 23 from 2020 - 12: 26

Social Security affiliates, a very reliable indicator of the behavior of the labor market, lost 362 people in October (-0,67%) and thus registered their third consecutive month of loss of registrations in a scenario of outbreaks of coronavirus and the increase in restrictive measures in the face of the pandemic.

There is an improvement in the monthly behavior compared to the last 5 years, in terms of the low reduction of Affiliate Program With respect to September, affiliation decreased by 0,67% (362 jobs were lost) and with the loss of only 89 affiliated workers, if we compare the affiliate data before the health crisis -registers as of February 29-. As of October 31, the total number of affiliates to the system is 53.622 workers, 1,37% lower than in October 2019.

The General Regime, where the majority of employed persons contribute, lost 300 affiliates and added a total of 34.084 taxpayers, 3,6% less than a year before and 0,87% less than in September of this year. Affiliation to the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA) - self-employed workers - increased 2,89% in the interannual rate and remains stable in the monthly rate (-0,08%), to 17.153 employed persons.

Number stopped registered in the public employment services increased by 622 people in October to a total of 13.217 unemployed and accumulated two consecutive increases, according to data published by LABORA.

October is a month in which unemployment usually grows due to the end of contracts for the summer season, however, this past month its growth is similar to that registered in the same month of previous years.

In the comparable historical series that starts in 2010, the rise in unemployment registered in October of this year is in relative terms at the average of the series, since its growth is on a par with previous years. In this last year, unemployment has increased by 2.694 unemployed, that is, 25,6% more than in October 2019, the highest growth in the tenth month in the last 10 years, of which 7.332 are women and 5.885 are men, with increases compared to October of last year of 24,91% and 26,48% respectively.

By economic sectors, as in August, unemployment fell only in construction, reaching 1.576 unemployed (-1,44%). In the rest of the sectors, more unemployed were registered in October. The sector where unemployment increased the most this past month was services, with 625 more unemployed (+ 6,61%), followed by agriculture, which added 12 more unemployed (5,29%).

If we break it down by activity section, the hotel industry once again reached the highest increases in unemployment (+ 13,74%) followed by Health and Social Services Activities and Information and Communications with 12,33%
and 9,48% respectively. It is necessary to highlight the increase in hiring in the education sector, closely linked to seasonality and to the reinforcements of the workforce due to pandemic.

The calculation of the unemployment rate of the Marina Alta reflects an increase in its value to 19,77%, while in October 2019 it reached 16,22%.

Again, as in previous analyzes of the labor market, the evolution of the total number of ERTE must be known, another of the data that is relevant to evaluate the evolution of the labor market. The number of files
Temporary employment regulations in force that are known to be approximately 3.500 that have affected around 15.000 workers in the Marina Alta.

Where the great weight of the concessions are in the activities of the service sector, specifically in the activity of restaurants and food stalls (around 20%), drinking establishments (10%), hairdressers and other beauty treatments (5%) , maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (4%), among others.

Hiring fell by 13,56% compared to September, with a total of 3.111 contracts, which was not the behavior to be expected a priori (last year in October, hiring increased more than 17,72% compared to September). This decrease has been explained by the temporary hiring modality (-16,41%), while permanent hiring increased slightly (+ 3,98%).

In year-on-year terms, permanent hiring fell by 25,07% while temporary hiring fell by 33,28% compared to the October 2019 figures, which still reflects the strong impact on hiring due to the economic stoppage as a result of the crisis of the covid-19.

As is usual in the type of contracts in the Marina Alta, there is a high temporary hiring, in fact, 83,19% of the incorporations have taken place with this type of contract.

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