
Dénia puts an end to the circulation of scooters and bicycles on Marqués de Campo street

August 30 from 2023 - 12: 33

The Dénia City Council continues to make progress in its decision to pedestrianize one of the main arteries of the city, the busy Calle Marques de Campo. To achieve this, two new measures will be taken starting next Monday, September 4.

On the one hand, in order for the road to be exclusively used by pedestrians, the total ban on the circulation of personal mobility vehicles, bicycles and other similar means of transport, such as electric scooters.

On the other hand, also starting next Monday, a new access system will be implemented on Marqués de Campo Street, specifically intended for loading and unloading activities through automatic bollards. This system will be operational on weekdays, from 08:00 to 10:30, allowing a maximum time of 15 minutes for these operations.

To ensure a smooth transition, all businesses and hospitality establishments are asked to notify their suppliers of this change to the loading and unloading process.

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  1. avatar photo Authorless says:

    There are only bad comments about scooters here, can someone explain to me why they sell them? There is no road for scooters, right? Do I go down the sidewalk, road or do I start flying? Some police officers stop you and tell you that you can't drive but they don't tell you where to drive, others don't tell you anything, are the rules for everyone? In Gandia, Valencia and more they go without helmets wherever they want, and in Dénia you can't go even slowly to go to work
    the question is
    Why don't you make things clear? Hahahaha Spain

  2. avatar photo Tina says:

    I live in a pedestrian street, and when you open the door, you must be careful and look before leaving, because the motorcycles still circulate, not in the center, but close to the facades. They park them on the street, especially the owners and customers of the bars, so they don't have to walk around so much….. Maybe once a year, they pass and fine, yes, during the day, at night, which is when they use it the most of the bars, and there are more motorcycles with their comings and goings, no. In the corner you must be careful, because it is narrow, and you can run into someone accessing. But obviously, it's not Campos street of course.

    • avatar photo Raul says:

      Campos street is exactly the capital of Denia, and the mayor is the mayor of Campos street.

      about the motorcycles, not to mention the very nice motorcycles that make a scandal with the souped-up tube; I suppose that if I listen to it, the others also. And since we all know these little tubes are not approved, I wonder if I dedicated myself to checking that these things are fulfilled, why wouldn't I do anything about it?

  3. avatar photo Jopelin says:

    In Marqués del Campo it will surely be respected, it is the only street where policemen are seen walking by.
    In other streets I do not think it is respected.
    Have you ever seen police officers patrolling outside of Marqués del Campo, unless it is issuing tickets to cars?

  4. avatar photo Jopelin says:

    It is curious, but the most disrespectful in this Dénia comment forum are the ENGLISH.
    I also write it in English so that they understand it using the translator that they don't bother to use
    DEDICATED TO THE Roys, Patricks etc

    It's curious, but the most disrespectful in this Dénia comment forum are the ENGLISH.
    I also write it in English so that you can understand it using the translator that you don't bother to use.
    DEDICATED TO THE Roys, Patricks etc

    • avatar photo Andrés says:

      What does Jopelin say that if someone pays for English classes, that he would be excited to learn new languages ​​to leave Dénia.

  5. avatar photo Paloma says:

    It was coming!
    The few bike lanes that there are in Denia are not visible, the painting that indicated them has disappeared, they are not maintained, they are filled with herbs that grow happily until they hide them or terraces are installed on them as in Diana street.
    Long live the Bicycle despite the Foolishness!!!
    So they are going to dismantle the bike racks too???

  6. avatar photo Lizzie says:


  7. avatar photo Lizzie says:

    Phenomenal!! And nothing more

  8. avatar photo Raul says:

    Two days before the return comes, the bike center closes.

    Either I am very dumb or they are very smart.

    If the center is closed due to contamination, what do the bikes have to do here, as some comment says, if he had been frank he imposed that ban, some would be tearing their clothes off.

    What no one seems to realize is that every few months there is a new ban. This is the left we have.

  9. avatar photo Pere says:

    Well, for once they take an appropriate measure, which allows pedestrians to go calmly, because many cyclists and especially skateboarders are very disrespectful.

    • avatar photo Pepa says:

      Totally agree, Pere. It is a very good rule.

      • avatar photo ana says:

        Why don't you have a bike? Have you never used one?

      • avatar photo ana says:

        A meaningless rule. Traffic was cut off to avoid pollution. The bike does not pollute. Soon also prohibited for people.

        • avatar photo ana says:

          that make it difficult to use the bike encourages the use of the car. And now if you can't go to Campos Street, then you'll go shopping in Ondara. If you can't even move on a bike, turn off and let's go.

          As they say, they will achieve it: You will be happy without having anything. And not by choice. It's what they're going to impose on you. As you say, things from our time are not things from our grandparents' time. When you have nothing and everything is prohibited you will understand these words. If not you, your children.

  10. avatar photo ann bonner says:

    Does this really mean I am not allowed to access Marques de Campo because I am in a wheelchair? I can't believe the statement is so discriminating from our representatives. Please advise if your statement means wheelchair users banned or not.

    • avatar photo Patrick says:

      I don't think that there will be any restrictions for wheelchair users, only bicycles and electric scooters.

    • avatar photo Roy says:

      Who knows, maybe, a wheelchair it's technically a personal mobility vehicle, I don't really know but looking at how things are done, you are able to do it until the day grimalt ban wheelchairs.

    • avatar photo Pepa says:

      It's the first thing I thought about when reading the news. They should have specified the ban on bicycles and scooters

  11. avatar photo Patrick says:

    As already mentioned in other comments. It seems very good to me that they prohibit electric scooters that are generally driven by young people who do not respect pedestrians but cyclists? It is an exaggerated measure. I would rather opt for agents who will take the time to stop cyclists who do not behave properly.

  12. avatar photo Scooter says:

    Are the other streets? What are more strets sols the carrers marque de campmpo
    And why the bikes? The skates thing is clear, but the bicycles.

  13. avatar photo Ramon says:

    Yes, you're right about that, but as is the custom in this town hall, they only know how to say: the dog is dead, the rabies is over.

    It also seems a bit exaggerated to me that you can't ride a bike on Campos street, it's a rather authoritarian measure

    • avatar photo Dionisio says:

      Oh, if my grandfather raised his head, after a working day fishing in the middle of the sea, he would wait for my grandmother at the pansa stores. He used to travel the road from the port to those stores, crossing Campos street on his bicycle. They both returned together on my grandfather's bicycle.

      Now I couldn't even go fishing, or wait for my grandmother in the pansa stores, or return by bike along Campos street. And I would not exist.

      At this rate, Dénia will remain barren. If Franco had prohibited riding a bike on Campos street -I am giving it as an example because many have it in their mouths all day-, more than one would tear their clothes off.

      That's what they want to encourage the use of the bike, gosh. In Rotterdam, Amsterdam they will be looking askance at Dénia to copy their policy of promoting the use of the bicycle.

      • avatar photo Jana says:

        Now your grandfather could walk (which is very healthy) to look for your grandmother and you would have been born anyway. Life is not stagnant, it evolves and we must adapt to changes. ?‍♀️

        • avatar photo Dionisio says:

          If walking to the marinas, normal….

        • avatar photo Raul says:

          Until the day that they also prohibit you from walking for any invented reason, it seems to me that closing the center to cars and motor vehicles is done from a perspective of reducing pollution; You will tell me what contaminates a bike.

          We have already reached the point that people don't even reason or question things. Just to swallow.

      • avatar photo Pepa says:

        It's the first thing I thought about when reading the news. They must have specified the prohibition for bicycles and I wonder how you would live without a washing machine or a color television with several channels. Surely you would not adapt and your grandparents at that time would not know them. They are such different times that they cannot be compared. What about our abyelis is jistori and here we are talking about the presenttinetes

        • avatar photo ana says:


          better organize the ideas of your comment, it is not understood. On the other hand, if you like being banned, there is that in Guantanamo.

  14. avatar photo Luis says:

    Well this is fine. That you are walking calmly and they brush past you without any kind of respect.

  15. avatar photo Raul says:

    My goodness, they lose their grip on the bikes
