
Tartessos. Air signs Manuel Gonzalez, a "seeker of feelings"

January 21 from 2011 - 00: 00

Last January 15 appeared on the ship Patricia Olivia de Balearia the posthumous book of poems the author Manuel González Pérez.

Fue agradable encontrar un salón abarrotado y expectante ante el alumbramiento de este libro de poemas, quizás porque los organizadores – La Casa de Andalucía– han puesto en ello todo su empeño y cariño por la cultura.

I consider myself a lover of poetry and simply taster of sensations and I can say that the appetizer rhapsodes left me captivated. I bought the book at the end of the act and taste that night, so I think it is highly recommended reading.

As I do not consider able to give a technical overview of the book, I'll refer me to the presentation made by Antonio Chicharro (Member of the Academy of Letters of Granada) Alma mater friend Pedro Ayala (Andalusia house Dénia) Who insisted on giving birth this collection. And they are bits and pieces that I entirely agree.

– Una valiosa pieza única de fino y trasparente Cristal hermosamente escrito.
– El autor es un indagador de los sentimientos, buscador poético de lo desconocido, hilvanando los sueños con la realidad percibida.
– Básicamente son versos libres, con un léxico muy rico, con una enunciación en
first person and that in many poems splits into a second person,
and talking to himself.

I do not want to talk about the content of the poems because each person reads it, at least this kind of poems, with feeling. And every reader feels different and each come poetry of different way- But I recommend to lovers of beauty and feelings emerge that create worlds, the more real than life itself dessert. That's where the art comes out ... I understand that creation is born from the feelings and knowledge .That illuminates our inner overflowing color and light making us more human

I have to refer to the rhapsodies that thanks to their quality and feel made an impression in me, accompanied by a guitar, whose duende me away at times the text. Great all. He ended the event with a flamenco choreography that tasted those present and gave way fresquita a meal washed down with manzanilla.

Javier Ruiz, txin

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