
One million cigarette butts from Playa del Raset end up being recycled products

November 04 from 2021 - 00: 40

The Dénia Sustainable Culture Collective carried out different cleaning of waste on the Raset beach during the months of September and October, removing a total of 88 masks and more than 1.000.000 cigarette butts. The collective indicates that this amount has only been withdrawn from the section of the bushes to the Red Cross post, which causes an alarming situation or as they call it, "the mountain of shame in Dénia, the most ashtray and garbage can. big of Dénia ".

But in the absence of civility and respect for the environment, Sustainable Culture Dénia has sought a solution, recycling. "Since we have no hope that smokers will change their attitude, so it is better to recycle and prevent part of the pollution from reaching the sea," they say from the group.

"We collected more than a million cigarette butts and recycled about 5.000, which were transformed into paper, flowerpot, brick, agenda, notebook, cup holders, envelopes and other products," says Cultura Sostenible Dénia, which invites us to promote a space to industrial level to recycle a large part of these cigarette butts in Dénia.

Sustainable Culture Dénia highlights that since the cleaning began, more people have joined helping to remove the garbage that others leave to maintain the beaches clean of glass, plastics, cardboard and any type of waste.

  1. Arnaud striby says:

    Même si l'investissement personnel des branchesseurs est louable, commenting on what branches will be, branches will be and branches will be encore the solution to the ecological disaster. And it is part of the anguish to think that the first concerns, the fumeurs vont changer comme par magie.
    QUAND, les fumeurs dégueulasses seront ils massivement verbalisés, là est la vraie question!
    The activity des services de police en la matière is infamous. Allez demander les chiffres au ministère de l'intérieur. Il n'est pas même sûr qu'ils soient référencés. Quand au fait que pas mal d'agents de la force publish jettent aussi leurs mégots par terre ...

  2. David stringer says:

    Smoking does not seem to be as socially acceptable as it has been in the past and is already banned within buildings and now on bar and restaurant terraces. Surely the next step is to ban smoking in all public places.
