Canviem Entre Tots - Compromís - Politics - PSPV

Government Organization of the City of Dénia

10 June 2015 - 22: 27

After the signing of the governability pact in the Dénia city council, Rafa Carrió himself announced how the new organization of the Dianense government is constituted.

Mayor: Vincent Grimalt
PDeputy Mayor RimerRafa Carrió
Second Deputy Mayor: Mª José Ripoll
Third Deputy Mayor: Joseph Crespo
Fourth Deputy Mayor: Javier Scotto
Fifth Deputy Mayor: Eve Round
SDeputy Mayor exto: Cristina Morera
Seventh Deputy Mayor: Francesc Rosello

Cast Concejalías

Vicent Grimalt: Mayor and Tourism.
Rafa Carrió: Culture, Education and Sports Standardization.
Mª José Ripoll: Planning and Works and Services.
Josep Crespo: Environment, Parks and Gardens and Climate Change.
Javier Scotto: Public Safety and Mobility.
Eva Round: Modernization of Public Administration, Employment, Transparency and parties.
Cristina Morera: Social Welfare and Youth.
Francesc Roselló: Finance, Budget and Personal.

Special delegations

Antonio Losada: In the area Public Administration Modernization and parties; Special Delegation occupation policy.
Álex Rodenkirchen: In the area Social Welfare; Special delegation, RUG. In the area Public Safety and Mobility; Special delegation of OMIC and Consumer Affairs.
Marián Tamarit: In the area Culture, Education and Sports; Special Sports Delegation. Special Delegation Standardization.
Óscar Mengual: In the area Municipality: Special Delegation Citizen Participation. Special delegation International Relations. Delegation Territory in the Special Housing area.
Elisabeth Cardona: In the area Social Welfare: Special Delegation Equality. Special Delegation Mayor; Income aid for alternative accommodation, use of services by the elderly, programs aimed at active aging and social participation, retirement home, residence Sta. Lucia Day Center, Alzheimer, fight and Prevention.

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