
Compromís opinion: «PP = un govern instal·lat a Groenlàndia»

February 01 from 2019 - 13: 28

First of all, it would be nice to donate the benvinguda to the Partit Popular per la seua recently incorporated into politics after the seventh stage of the government (comptant els 7 de govern i els quasi 4 en l'oposició). Suposem that it has been to Groenlàndia inspiring-per per la campanya, looping music escort of Manu Chao, which imaginem would be surprised molt if he knew that the PP use the seues cançons per a fer electoral propaganda. Suposem quasi tant com si nosaltres triàrem cançons de Francisco. Tonteries a part, amb aquest article li donem the benvinguda to the PP for the long lethargy and also the congratulations, for demonstrating one more month that they do not have the slightest idea of ​​what they say.

There exists in psychology an effect connected with Dunning-Kruger, a cognitive biaix that causes people with connections to molt bàsics patisquen d'un sentiment de superioritat il·lusori, felt incapable of recognizing their own ineptitude. Això is the one who has to succeed-li a aquest partit, if not, it is not can I will understand, neither nosaltres nor mitja Dénia, the face so hard that they have to criticize the one who s'ha fet i dir-nos mentiders.

I in this case, ho fan, in addition to utilitzant the ghost of Catalan. It takes time to spend the electoral weapons that have been undertaken by the 80 quan manquen d'arguments sòlids. I also assumed that this is the strategy that most of these mesos exploit, but to justify that they are the vertaders defenders of the Company, not Vox or Citizens. Així que, prepareu-se! Quina shame that just això follow the one that moga.

Benvolgut PP, in first lloc, quan in the vostre escrit dieu that so Compromís com PSPV s'han appropriation dels assoliments that amb suor i treball has advised the PP " Esteu Caient in a contrasentit. Assoliment is l'acció d'aconseguir, is to say, a consecució, normally satisfactory. I vosaltres, amics, I will not advise RES. NOTHING. NOTHING What are you projectes? I com governant amb the Popular Partit in the Generalitat will not be capable of assoling them? Oh yeah! I said that this is why I did not have diners, because I am in crisis. Fixa't that this governor has not only advised to sanitize a municipal arche that is trobaven in the miséria gràcies to an efficient management of the resources, if not that it has been effective tot allò that you can still have in the paper, even enough men.

Medi ambient: hem governat 4 anys amb mancança de recursos, escassetat of staff and amb convenis insuficients signats amb anterioritat pel PP. I face new creative areas, green areas, increased storage capacity, clean streets, roadway, road network, and increased resources for roads and parcels. Thing that you can not dir dir mateix. Hard face, not covered with vaqueta tenen.

Quant to alt al·lusions that realize in the seu comunicat in reference to the regidories of Compromís, estem molt satisfied of the treball that hem realitzat. If you are aware that molt per fer remains, hem complit quasi tot the full route nostre, yes, you can check in the Department of Transparency of the website of the City Council of Dénia, on which the level of compliment of every punt. Això is diu responsabilitat, humilitat i transparència.

What are not transparent ens diuen? Almenys nosaltres rendim comptes to the ciutadania de les nostres accions. No sabem molt bé què entenen vostés per Transparència. Per decomptat that tindre for a obrir les portes dels depatxos als ciutadans, mantindre sentències condemnatòries amagades in calaixos, i altres assumptes opacs (see Hotel Mediterrani) are not the mills exemples of Transparència.

Respect the cultural and educative institution of which they accuse, it would be nice to know how many professors are sent coartats or obligated by the governor to indoctrinate the alumnat. They approve to ask-li-ho als col·legis in some of the Molts Consells Escolars Municipals which is realitzen. Whoever understands per adoctrinament nosaltres entenem per major invested in infrastructures per a Educació (Edificant), in human resources and worthy resources; or in guaranteeing the gratuïtat of the school material and of l'escolarització, between altres.

Respect the comments to the voltant that if you have replaced Jovempa with a simple web d'Ocupació, comment that first hauríeu d'informar-vos, and later, if there, attend the meetings of the Bureau of Occupation is attached aqueixa mateixa associació, així com molts altres agents socials, econòmics i formatius de la localitat. Eixa web that mentions is a unanimous proposal and voted by totes les entitats, among them quals, repeat, is JOVEMPA, and in which it is troben ordinaries tots els existent resources. Emphasize that the young entrepreneurs are represented, and have been able to participate in various events. I know that, per cert, that for the first time in 10 anys, the taxa d'atur has caigut per davall of 15%, and the Valencian Community is the second in the highest grade. Potser tea something to veure the bona gestió of the Government of the Botànic, and dels ajuntaments progressistes, that amb arques dismantled have sabut fer more than futar, balafiar and viure of the conte.

Finally, I refernt to the track d'Atletisme ... vaja vaja, tornem there always. We know that you will not like them, but these are the infrastructures esportives will begin to be carried out.

If you leave fer comunicats, the magical would be inform-se. If volen accuse of mentiders to algú, the ethical més would be that horen dient veritat. I if you jutjar jutjar accions dels altres the més sensat es donen exemple. I senyors i senyores of the PP, are not in the most adequate position per a-ho-ho. Sigueu the canvi that voleu veure in the món: deixeu of lying. Or in the seu defecte, if it is not demagògia i és més, com déiem al principi, ineptitud, dir-vos that are oberts to donate all the information that ens sol·liciteu. Benvinguts

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