Jesús Pobre - Parties

Jesús Pobre celebrates his successful festa de l'escaldà

August 27 from 2019 - 09: 35

«En la resaca de la festa de l´escaldà, esbozamos una sonrisa de satisfacción de la gran jornada que vivió Jesús Pobre», declare from the EATIM of the municipality. L´Escaldà, this year had the first anniversary of his declaration with intangible cultural interest of the Valencian heritage, which certifies its wealth as uses and customs and high cultural interest, as well as a perfect date before the end of summer in the that residents and visitors could browse and get to know our deepest roots.

That Jesús Pobre champion 10 years the recovery and dissemination of this tradition is due to the will of an entire people: the association of neighbors maintaining this ancestral rite, as well as the remaining groups that join together forming a community, a collective soul «orgullosa de su pasado y su cultura agrícola, paisagística, monumental y rural». Women making llata, the workshop of hurdles, the tasting and sale of muscat and raisins, the didactics of the Les Freses winery on muscat and the development of unique wines whose trajectory will give a talk, or this year with Gelart's expertise , which brought a Jesus Pobre muscat ice cream that was a success, consuming 100 liters and 987 tasting tubs, and which, according to the EATIM, «nos debe hacer reflexionar sobre este producto autóctono y sus posibilidades, así como el grup de danses de Jesús Pobre diversificando la oferta a golpe de dolçcina y postizas, y la barra de festeros 2020 que atendieron con almuerzos y picaetes casolanes a las centenares de personas que no quisieron perderse esta jornada festiva, que se prolongó en los bares y restaurantes en los que con cariño, elaboraron menús especiales de l´Escaldà, donde no faltaron las pasas y mistelas, y que ponen el acento en repensar que ofertas gastronómicas debemos ofrecer desde la proximidad, revitalizando nuestro sector primario por encima de modas o platos impostados».

Jesús Pobre defends that the umbrella of the festival of L'Escaldà has been authenticity, with the enthusiasm and collective work as a common denominator with which every year they infect visitors above the mere promotion. That is the formula, which has the necessary institutional support from the Eatim de Jesús Pobre, betting on culture, uses and traditions, and good practices as a basis for generating new opportunities, and which urgently requires generational relief.

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