
Moors and Christians signed the truce (a day later)

August 14 from 2010 - 16: 34

Bad weather prevented the celebration of the Moorish landing and the signing of the truce, acts that were moved to Saturday morning. But finally, a problem with the boat that had to be transferred to the Moorish side to the waters of Dénia did not allow the landing to take place and was definitively suspended.

Pese a no llegar en barco, las tropas moras fueron recibidas por las cristianas y juntos se trasladaron hasta la plaza del Consell, donde los embajadores de ambos bandos manifestaron su intención de vivir en paz. La capitana mora y el capitán cristiano firmaron la tregua y dieron paso a la música celebrando que la paz se ha instalado en Dénia. Pero no por mucho tiempo…

Esta tarde los niños serán los portagonistas en el desfile infantil, que desde las 19:30 recorrerá las calles Diana y Marqués de Campo. A continuación, las bandas se trasladarán a la plaza del consell para interpretar conjuntamente diferentes piezas de música festera, y ya esta noche tendrán lugar la Embajada del Me’n Fot y la entraeta festera.

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  1. pity says:

    A real shame, waiting for this all year and see that time has left us in Denia

  2. carmen Mateu suay says:

    What a bad luck with the rain. Here in Venezuela also it is the same, it rains all the time. I feel I could not land the Moors and Christians. I know very well that party xq I've seen and I loved it, because that at that time I was in Denia, since my parents live and are from there, I also love Denia above all things, as I would be enjoying all these festivities.
