
Creama attended nearly half thousand people during the month of September

13 October 2015 - 00: 00

With the launch of new courses and programs after the summer, activity in Creama Dénia has greatly increased, reaching attend in September, a total of 463 people.

The program assistant hair and beauty 15 has already covered the places available; for free English courses taught by resident volunteers has selected participants among 30 160 people who had requested; free course taught by the Labor Foundation of Construction has selected 20 from 44 peronsonas nominated to fill the places available and course food handler Creama Dénia held every last Friday of the month has also had the interest of users .

Creama areas Dénia

In the section of local promotion and projects, Creama Dénia notified the 23 people pre-selected by the Servef to carry out the Regional employment workshop and attended the eleven candidates who showed up to be part of the teaching team and the staff of management and administrative staff.

During September, personalized attention to 24 enterprising people offered and carried out the organization's day Stock, which was held on October 10.

During the month of September, Creama Dénia has managed 17 jobs and conducted interviews 51 people registered for the first time at the employment agency, other services offered. Finally, there have been during September 9 care professional guidance and 9 have been issued digital certificates.

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