
Opinion: «Mr. Dog, educate your owner »

August 03 from 2015 - 00: 00

El título de este comentario identifica el problema: es un asunto de falta de educación. También indica de quién es el problema: no son los perros, si no de algunos de sus dueños. ¿A que nos referimos? Pues observen y juzguen…

These are three sad and busy corners in less than 200 meters. And as we well know, the problem is repeated throughout the city. As long as our streets present such an appearance, does Denia deserve titles of tourist excellence? Can we feel proud to be the capital of the Marina Alta? Can we walk quietly with our children and pets without fear of catching any disease?

Es cierto que el nuevo equipo del Ayuntamiento está intentando mejorar la limpieza de las calles y plazas de la ciudad. Pero si pudiésemos elegir… ¿En que preferiría que se gastase el dinero? ¿En limpiar las calles de las cacas y meadas de perros? O ¿En otros asuntos más permanentes como el alumbrado y señalización de calles, el arreglo de aceras, o la creación de más zonas verdes?

Allocate funds to clean up the dog poop and piss, it's a shame, but it is necessary because of the poor education of some neighbors. The problem is not having a pet at home. Some decided to have it for nothing others by necessity. The question is: Will I have education, and the necessary desire, to drive my dog ​​to an area where it will not trouble? It is true that there are not many areas for this purpose and we must take note of it and look for solutions. But it is also true that there are many neighbors copies itself bring their dogs at appropriate places or take the necessary measures.

Por eso mientras tanto… Sr. Perro… dígale a su dueño que no le deje mear ahí, donde los demás mean. Un perro como usted merece algo mejor que pisar con sus patas las meadas de otros y oler con su hocico semejantes inmundicias. Su dueño debería conocer los peligros que esto conlleva, las enfermedades con las que se puede contagiar. Por su bien y por nuestro bien, Sr. Perro, eduque a su dueño.

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  1. M.Angeles White says:

    The responsible owners must pick up the poop but very few of us do it, if they put fines they would collect more to pay that salary and the cleaning of the sidewalks that have to be cleaned here in Denia, little or no sidewalks and corners are cleaned.

  2. Alice says:

    Even if there were special places for the dogs / bitches to urinate, so that they did not pee before arriving, we would put a plug on them ???? For the elderly who walk their animals, would we put a scooter for them to arrive? Or perhaps the great dictator would have to come to solve the root problem: "Animals should NOT be kept in cities." Why don't we stop talking about humidity and try to solve the problems. Of course what has an answer, such as lifting poop, let it be done. Or a hefty fine is applied. But let's also solve the problem of two-legged animals that vomit, urinate, spit or blow their noses on the sidewalks. In addition, the sidewalks have to be washed, not just swept. How long has it been since the cleaning has been done with water ????. Or do we pray for it to rain?

  3. Gem says:

    Well I have a labrador, sweet and noble dog. And very clean, because I am, and do a lot more exercise than any perto living in the countryside, because she goes out jogging and walking lightly. Dogs, on farms, are all day thrown in the gandula, simply because they are loose. Funny, right? So that's it. As for cleaning, pigs don the two legs; Take a short walk around the harbor beyond the 7, when the chonis, skewers and other wildlife has already peed, shat, etc vomited returning from entertainment venues port. And that has no excuse putting space dog, it is very gandul to go for a walk and run with it, and selfish for not sharing their nobility and joy. Hopefully put more spaces pars dogs and masters responsible. Thank you.

  4. Ángela says:

    Completely in agreement with the written news, I have come to be on a bench sitting and a rude come with his dog and let him piss on the leg of the bench, right next to where I was sitting. I see every day how dog owners look from side to side and act like "Swedes" so as not to pick up shit. I love dogs, but I live in a flat, and I know that it is not the place to have them, the excuse that there are no pipicanes already smells, the owners who let their dogs piss in doorways, car wheels, public furniture etc. .. they should be fined, because I do not see that they reason otherwise, and it would not be difficult to put public employees for this purpose, they always take them out at the same times and it is easy to catch them leaving their excrement wherever they go. With the money raised they make pipicans and places for responsible dog owners to take their dogs. But please, do not have dogs that need exercise and fresh air locked in your apartments, if you cannot have animals, do not have them, if you like them like I do, you would not have them in those conditions. Thanks a lot.

  5. Antonia says:

    Because there are no more places for dogs to relieve themselves? I would take it very gladly. You can not always leave the outskirts of Denia. Are the health, age or ability of each person?

  6. Mirco says:

    Dear friends of the 4 legs, those pictures are normal and very seen here, why? Because Denia likes to open roads 3 times a year before constructing one or more pipicanes in the village and those are the consequences. We dog owners are not to blame for the need for them,
    If we can only get on the montgo so that they can be happy. That is an injustice to all
