
The Paidos school coordinates a project of the European educational program Comenius

January 21 from 2011 - 00: 00

El school Paidos Has received this week the visit of educators from Denmark and Germany along with those who will promote the use of English between teachers and students through a joint magazine.

The publication, which will cover topics such as art, culture and sport, will be written in English and each participating country will talk about how their place of residence is to make it known to other countries.

The project will be presented at the end of February before the National Agency and will later be transferred to the European Union. To finalize the project, during the next course an exchange will be realized between professors and students of the paricipantes countries.

De momento participan en esta «Application Form» España, Alemania, Dinamarca y Grecia, aunque es muy probable que se sumen Inglaterra y Turquía.


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