Parties - Moors and Christians

Promote the recycling of glass during the festival of Moors and Christians in Dénia

August 12 from 2015 - 00: 01

The Department of Environment of the City of Dénia and the company responsible for managing the recycling of glass containers, Ecovidrio, have proposed as a challenge to involve the components of the Moors and Christians parties in recycling during the holidays.

For this, they will activate a campaign between 14 and 16 to raise awareness among citizens and partiers about the importance of recycling. For those days, wheel hubs equipped with the ale-hop system will be distributed and several containers will be installed in the immediate vicinity of the festive bins to facilitate recycling.

Además, una patrulla de concienciación informará a los festeros del proceso de reciclado de vidrio y les obsequiará con algún detalle de Ecovidrio (abridores, bolsas, chapas con emoticonos de moros y cristianos…). La patrulla colaborará con la retirada de los cubos que se vayan llenando y de su vaciado en los contenedores instalados.

During this summer we are betting on raising awareness on this issue, with the visual campaign that has been installed in 60 igloos located at the busiest points in the town to capture the attention of users.

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