
Paseo de la Marineta Cassiana reborn after the rainstorm and snow

24 March 2017 - 16: 53

They have been hard months for the local flora. Accustomed to warm weather, the storms of cold, snow, rain and wind have damaged many of the decorative plants of the municipality. Especially serious was the damage suffered by the species planted in the Cassiana Marineta, which have had to be removed from the promenade by the sea.

This week, with the help of a backhoe, have removed the species that were in poor condition, as myoporum laetum (Mióporo) and Nerium Oleander (Also known as oleander or oleander).

The improvement actions have included the planting of 800 new units of Pittosporum (Commonly known as orange blossom or commonly known as mocan China) and part of the Nerium Oleander in the surrounding islands. It has also made an extra contribution of organic matter to improve the soil, also affected.

Finally, it has installed a new irrigation system and there have been some evacuation slides rainwater to prevent future flooding and tows land to ride.

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