Compromís - Politics

Opinion of Compromís per Dénia: «To the beat of the xaxaxà…From the xacaxà of the train»

May 13 from 2022 - 11: 29

If last week the political issue and the promises were health… this week it is up to another of the great political issues and historical claims. Amb tots vostés….: The railway connection between Dénia and Gandia!

Image: Works on the Dénia train trackWorks on the Dénia train track

These days we attended a banquet of electoral promises that were the most innovative, and with them they said, that were the most “serious”, but that to us who did what you say, do not think that it laughs. They are proposals that seem new, but they do not cease to be proposals in the electoral code… Let's see who of the great parties that have captained the central government and that have not donated the win for decades since the Estat regarding the Gandia Train- Dénia presents the most beautiful solution for the autonomous community. Parlant mal i prompte… a veure quin dels dos la tea más gran.

From a gang, Carlos Mazón appeared, president of the Diputació d'Alacant, and that, of course, he will be the next candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat for the PP, affirming that his body will carry out a tramway that will connect Dénia and Gandia, affirming that this solution is “urgent and necessary”, because “we are tired of waiting for the one from the Govern d'Espanya”, al·ludint to the Tren de la Costa project that does not arrive mai.

Yes, we agree in part, Mr. Mazón, we need an urgent and necessary solution because the government will not do it. But it is that there is no fet ara amb the PSOE, nor ho has fet quan all the society of the Navy and the Safor s'has estat mobilitzant per a claim-lo i governaven vostés the central government. And if I don't remember badly, the PP also governed in the organization that I tried to save, the former socialist state that I described.

And then there is, on the other hand, the socialist Minister of Public Works of the Generalitat, Arcadi Spain, who, after Mazón's announcement, sees the six letters, and bids the bet, according to which the Generalitat "will present in the next few weeks a serious and viable proposal” for the railway connection expected during the last half century, with an extension of the rodalia train network that could work with TRAM and that “is very advanced”. Arcadi Spain said that the second proposal is indeed feasible, not like Mazón's and that it was ugly that the GVA did not have a plan and that it promptly announced it would be published, having in compte that it could present an alternative, given the absence of Train per part of the Ministry that the seu mateix partit directed to Madrid. Però a tot això, seguim sense veure feta realitat la connexió cap a Alacant that anava to be completed at the beginning of the legislature... Se'ns accumulates the task...

And it turns out that 8.000 thousand million euros is the negative investment deficit of the Government of Spain since the year 2000 in our territory, this is underfinanced, marginalized and without public transport. The Marina Alta needs a worthy service, and no more paid tourist services for all of us. The Gandia-Dénia Train is an essential infrastructure that the Estat is not in, and does not need more promises built by the PP-PSOE, who have the paella pel mànec precisely because they have governed and governed in the Ministeris de l'Estat.

Per part nostra, regarding the little competition that we had on this subject, we are claiming, demanding and pressing the State through our sole deputy, any rere any, through the examinations of the general assumptions of the State, It demands all and every year and agrees with the government of millions in the financing of our autonomy and of the ridiculous investments that are destined for the project of the Tren de la Costa. Demand through motions, meetings, demonstrations, conditioning our votes to the PGE…in 1000 ways, on a day-to-day basis, which are the quals we have for our humble men. But yes, any rere any, and not just any abans d'elections, because it is "fresh" the issue for citizenship. And in the same way we are fet amb Sanitat, while for the minister Barceló sembla that she lives from nou the issue of the conditions in which the hospital and the staff are working, and she begins to promise to do so. But bé, això is another topic and for another day.

In short, we are not aware that we do not publish solutions. Només que no ens prenguen a total la ciutadania per idiots. Senyor ciutadà, ciutadana…davant el dubte de creure's a solution or not, I thought QUAN i COM has been formulated, why remember… in the pre-election season tot sembla possible.

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