Fallas - Parties - Local Board Fallera - Leisure

Falleras Over Denia attend mascletà Valencia

07 March 2013 - 00: 01

Marta Tabernero and Rocío Patricio, Falleras Mayores de Dénia, accompanied by the president and members of the Fallera Local Board, attended yesterday from the balcony of the town hall the sixth mascletà of the Fallas de Valencia 2013, fired by Lluch pyrotechnics.

At one o'clock in the afternoon they had access to the viewpoint of the Valencian consistory, which coincided with the Falleras Over Sagunto populations or Elda, and with them and enjoyed a large audience gathered there the fireworks show. At the end, Marta and Rocio were a family photo with the Senior Falleras Valencia, Begoña and Carla, and their courts of honor. After the protocol greetings were received by the mayor of Valencia, Rita Barberà, in his office, where actors were also musical "Beauty and the Beast" these days is represented in the city of Valencia and other familiar faces from theater scene as Mª Luisa Merlo.

Taking advantage of their visit to Valencia, in the afternoon they visited the Ninot exhibition and experienced the Fallas atmosphere that has already taken the streets. The mayor of Dénia, Ana Kringe, accompanied the highest Dianenses representatives during the day.

Falleras Over dénia attend mascletà Valencia 01
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