
Ximo Puig will ask for the end of the mandatory mask

14 June 2021 - 10: 14

The president of the Generalitat has advanced this Sunday in an interview with the Valencian television À Punt, on the occasion of the two years of his second investiture as head of the Consell, which will ask the Inter-territorial Health Council that the use of the mask is not mandatory in the beaches and natural spaces from July "as already recommended by the experts." Puig, however, has been cautious about the idea of ​​stopping carrying it in the big cities, “for a symbolic fact, because the virus is there and abroad, and we all have to clearly state that we are still fighting the virus and the The image of the mask is essential ”.

With the lowest accumulated incidence in Spain, 40 cases per 100 inhabitants, and 216 infections, the head of the Consell has affirmed that the most important asset that the Valencian Community now has in the summer and tourism is the epidemiological situation, which makes it "a safe destination that offers guarantees of stability."

The objective of the Valencian government is not in any case to go backwards in the confinement measures, but the opposite: as vaccination progresses, to relax them until reaching a new normal, despite the images of bottles that have been seen in the first order weekdays without a curfew, the head of the Consell has affirmed that "they are not the general trend" but "anecdotal situations", since the young Valencians "have made a great effort".

Likewise, Puig thanked the most affected sectors for their efforts and stressed the need to move towards normality "prioritizing health" with measures that "have worked", with the ratification of the Supreme Court of the decisions of the progressive opening of leisure night until 2 in the morning. He has ensured that all work "for a common goal": to overcome the pandemic, recover the economy and emotional health.

Vaccination schedule adapted to the holidays

Asked about the vaccination, which at the moment is close to 50% of the population with at least one dose, Puig has said that the appointments will be adapted to the holidays of the citizens, as the Ministry of Health has already done when vaccinating around 100.000 people from outside.

  1. Michael says:

    So the mask is "symbolic"? I thought it helped prevent the spread of the virus. So now it is a symbol, like the cross that is hung around the neck to show that one is a Christian. So if the mask is a symbol, the Crown is a religion and not for health.

  2. Marcella says:

    Für die Maskenpflicht in der Stadt habe ich vollstes Verständnis. Still unseren langen Stränden und im Campo hingegen nicht. Dort kann man sich problemlos aus dem Wege gehen. Einige Maßnahmen sind so unlogisch.
    Mit Beginn der Saison beginnt Denia wieder zu verdrecken. Was sind das nur für asoziale Menschen? Babywindeln und alles was es braucht einen Baby-Po zu reinigen findet man am Strand. Essensreste, Verpackungen, Pet-Flaschen, alles was man sich vorstellen kann. Dieser Egoismus und diese "ist mir doch egal" Mentalität ist respektlos den Menschen gegenüber, die hier leben.
