Celebrations in honor of the Mare de Déu dels Desemparats They have a lot of tradition in Dénia, because it is the patron saint of sailors. For this reason, the program of events is run by the Comissió of Festes de la Mare de Deu and the Fishermen's Guild. The most outstanding act is the procession.
Next you have an index with all the points that we are going to deal with.
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Date and previous acts
Each second Sunday of May the festival of the Virgen de los Desamparados is celebrated. In the morning there is a mass in honor of the Virgin in the San Antonio church, where the image of The Geperudeta presides over the altar. At noon there is a fellowship meal at the fish market, attended by representatives of the Dénia parties (Fallas y Moors and Christians), and as representatives of the Brotherhoods of the Sang Santíssima y Sant Roc.
The procession
The most awaited moment is the procession that takes place on the same Sunday afternoon. The image travels the streets of the fishing district and the port surrounded by flowers on a fishing boat. The procession starts in the Plaza del Convento, where the church of San Antonio is located.
The mayoralesas, dressed in rigorous black, participate in it, whose representation is closed by the Mayor of that year. Also the representatives of the brotherhoods of Sant Roc and the Sang Santíssima, the captains of the Moors and Christians festivities and the Falleras Mayores de Dénia of that year, who precede the president of the Fishermen's Guild. The Agrupació Artística Musical de Dénia completes the procession with its music.
The tour
The procession begins at the doors of the church of San Antonio. From there, go up Cándida Carbonell street in the direction of Foramur, but first make a stop next to the Maristas school building. There they throw petals from the balcony and a group of students sing in honor of the Virgin. The stop ends with fireworks that are launched from the schoolyard.
After crossing the street Foramur arrives at Pont Street, where the next stop is made. In this case it is the Baix la Mar fails who offers flowers to the virgin. The procession continues on its way, turning right towards the port, where the most emotional moment of the journey takes place: with the image of the Virgin of the Forsaken looking out to sea, the boats that are moored and decorated especially for the occasion begin to sound their sirens heavily in honor of its patron.
In the final stretch of the procession, the procession advances down the street Marqués de Campo And turn again in the street Candida Carbonell towards the place of the Convent. When the image approaches the door of the church, the porters turn around to return to their place facing the village.