
The Moors and Christians Festival is also suspended

22 2020 April - 22: 37

Federation Moors and Christians has decided to take the step and also suspend this celebration due to the health crisis.

It was planned, as every year, for mid-August, despite the uncertainty about whether large events can be held during the summer, which all points to not, has made them prevent by making this decision. And it will not be a postponement as, for the moment, they continue to bet the FallasThey assume that the next Moors and Christians festival will be in 2021.

Official communication of the FEMMICC

I, Jaime Ferrer Santamaria, as President of the Federation of Moors and Christians of Dénia, on behalf of it, and once gathered in an extraordinary telematic session today, at 19.00:XNUMX p.m., with the agreement and support of the City Council Dénia RESOLVES:


Therefore and by approval of the Governing Board of this Federation, the maximum representatives of the party appointed for this exercise will be extended to the year 2021.

The reasons that make us make this painful decision for all of us are to prioritize and put the health of citizens, festers and filaes above anything else.

We must do an exercise of responsibility and we cannot and should not in the circumstances we live in, encourage or encourage in any way the crowds of people on the street, even if at the time of celebrating our parties this was allowed.

It is time for solidarity and empathy with the people who are suffering from this devastating pandemic, both in its health aspect and in its economic aspect; it is time for unity and fight against this nightmare in which we never wished we were involved.

Until then, do not doubt that the Federation of Moors and Christians, together with its captains and all the Philáes that make up this fester collective, will work with more momentum than ever so that next year they will be extraordinary and unforgettable parties for all.

Long live the Moors and Christians of Dénia i Viva Sant Roc!!

We wait for you next year with more force !!!!

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