
Dénia 2024 Humanitats Festival Program: all schedules and participants

Start date: 24th October 2024
Finish date: 26th October 2024
Event type: Talk / conference
Place: Dénia
Entry: Subscription €20 / Session €3
Event finished

In October, the capital of the Marina Alta It also becomes the capital of critical thinking with Dénia Festival of the Humanities. This is an event that brings together renowned thinkers to debate different topics of great interest.

The programming of the new edition is as follows:

Thursday October 24

Opening session | Limits and links between literary creation and territory. The example of Maria Ibars

Time: 10:00-11:30 | Place: Auditorium of the Social Center

  • Veronica sang, president of the Valencian Academy of Language
  • Angels Gregori, poet, cultural manager and director of the Oliva Poetry Festival
  • M. Angels French, academic of the Valencian Academy of Language and professor of Catalan Philology at the University of Alicante

Distrusting the future: perpetual war

Time: 12:00-13:30 | Place: Auditorium of the Social Center

  • Xavier Mas de Xaxas, journalist, diplomatic correspondent of La Vanguardia
  • Joseph Ramoneda, journalist and writer, content director of the Dénia Festival of Humanities

Institutional inauguration + inaugural speech

Time: 17:00-18:00 | Location: L'Androna Baleària Port (The Harbour District)

  • Massimo Cacciari, philosopher and politician, professor emeritus at the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano, author of Philosophical labyrinth y The power that stops (Amorrortu, 2015).

The limits of politics

Time: 18:30-20:00 | Location: Sala l'Androna

  • Joseph Ramoneda, journalist and writer, content director of the Dénia Festival of Humanities
  • John Carlin, journalist and writer, author of The human factor (Invictus) (Seix Barral, 2010)

Friday October 25

The philosophy of limits

Time: 10:00-11:30 | Location: L'Androna Baleària Port

  • Zafra Remedies, writer and essayist, researcher at the CSIC Institute of Philosophy, winner of the 2017 Anagrama Essay Prize for The enthusiasm (Anagram, 2017)
  • Santiago Alba Rico, essayist and writer, author of To be or not to be (a body) (Seix Barral, 2017)
  • Daniel Gamper, professor of Moral and Political Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​author of What are you laughing at? Benefits and damages of joking (Herder Editorial, 2024)

The limits of the human body (genetic manipulation, health, longevity)

Time: 10:00-11:30 | Place: Auditorium of the Social Centre

  • Sonia Contera, Professor of Physics at Oxford University, author of Living nanotechnology (Harp, 2023)
  • Carles Lalueza, biologist, director of the Barcelona Museum of Natural Sciences (MCNB)
  • Tomàs Marquès i Bonet, evolutionary biologist, director of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona

DNA/FHD meeting

Time: 12:30-13:30 | Location: L'Androna Baleària Port

  • Quique Dacosta, three Michelin star chef
  • Javier Goma Lanzon, writer and essayist, director of the Juan March Foundation, author of Universal concrete (Taurus, 2023)

The limits of art and literature

Time: 12:00-13:30 | Place: Auditorium of the Social Centre

  • Caroline Ciuti, contemporary art curator and director of the magazine exibart.es
  • Puri Mascarell, writer, professor of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Valencia, author of Mireia (Two Whiskers, 2023)
  • Antoni Colomina, professor in the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

The limits of science

Time: 16:00-17:30 | Location: L'Androna Baleària Port

  • Ulises Cortés, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the UPC and Director of the High Performance Artificial Intelligence Group at BSC
  • Maria Blasco, biologist, Scientific Director of the National Center for Oncological Research
  • Luis M. Martínez, director of the Human Cognition Program and the Visual Analogies Laboratory at the Alicante Institute of Neurosciences

Live music

Time: 17:00-20:00 | Location: C/ Marqués de Campo in front of Glorieta

By students of the “Tenor Cortis” Conservatory of Dénia and the Artistic Musical Group of Dénia.

The ecological limits of the world

Time: 16:00-17:30 | Place: Auditorium of the Social Centre

  • Emilio Santiago Muino, anthropologist, researcher and ecosocial activist, author of Oil (Arcadia, 2018)
  • Anna Traveset, Research Professor at the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB)
  • Christina O'Callaghan, co-director of the interuniversity master's degree in Planetary Health at the UOC-UPF-ISGlobal

What is a good company?

Time: 18:00-19:30 | Location: L'Androna Baleària Port

  • Adolf Utor, president of Baleària
  • Angel Font, executive director of the CaixaResearch Institute and of Research and Health in Portugal of the "la Caixa" Foundation, president of Philea.
  • Araceli Ciscar, executive director of Dacsa Group
  • Jose-Felix Lozano, professor of Moral Philosophy at the UPV, author of Ethical codes for the business world (Trotta, 2004)

Conflicts without limits

Time: 18:00-19:30 | Place: Auditorium of the Social Centre

  • Pilar Bonet, journalist, former correspondent of the newspaper El País in the Soviet Union, author of Castaways of the Empire (Galaxy Gutenberg, 2023)
  • Shlomo Ben Ami, politician, diplomat and former Foreign Minister of Israel, author of Prophets without honor (RBA, 2023)
  • Cristina Gallach, former UN Under-Secretary-General, former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and member of Global Women Leaders-Voices for Change and Equality (GWL-Voices)

Saturday October 26

The limits of social structures and personal relationships

Time: 10:00-11:30 | Place: Auditorium of the Social Centre

Juan Arnau, philosopher and writer, author of Matter that breathes light (Galaxy Gutenberg, 2023)
Lucia Lijtmaer, writer and cultural critic, author of Almost nothing to wear y Offended (Anagram, 2019)
Antonio Arino, sociologist, professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Valencia, National Research Award with The ritual city (Anthropos, 1992)

Open piano

Time: 10:00-14:00 | Place: Social Center Entrance
Everyone can play, everyone can listen. You must reserve the time slot you want to play (15 min. per performance).

The limits of individual rights and democracy

Time: 12:00-13:30 | Place: Auditorium of the Social Centre

  • Mariam Martinez-Bascuñán, political scientist, professor of Political Science at the UAM, author of Populisms (Alliance Publishing, 2019)
  • Ivan Krastev, political scientist, president of the Center for Liberal Strategies in Sofia, author of Is it already tomorrow? How the pandemic will change the world (Debate, 2020)
  • Luis Ramiro, professor of Political Science at UNED, author of Radical Left Voters in Western Europe (Routledge, 2023)


Time: 13:45-14:30 | Place: Auditorium of the Social Centre

  • Nadia Muraveva, writer, poet, journalist and translator, author of The big house

Marina Lindy Hop

Time: 19:00-21:00 | Location: Plaça del Consell

Marina Lindy Hop Swing School Dance Exhibition and Workshop

Previous Programs



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  1. Pillar says:

    ?When are we going to have an Auditorium, theater, cinema, SOMETHING, with more capacity, with comfortable armchairs, with visibility, etc, etc, etc, .. the street is fine, but of course, there is nothing else !! Respect for Culture!!
