
Pododenia proposes collagen injections to treat pain muscle-articular

22 December 2014 - 00: 00


Collagen is a protein found in skin, ligaments, tendons, muscles, cartilage and other tissues. There are different types of collagen 19 being type I collagen which is found in greater amounts in the human body.

Collagen contributes to muscle activity, allowing movement. Confers tissue hydration, strength, elasticity and flexibility; has a structural function (support) to maintain the integrity of the anatomical and functional to increase mobility and reduce pain structures, and gives cohesion to the tissues.


Our body needs collagen to optimize the conditions that contribute to maintaining joint mobility, a collagen decreases with age in the human body and contributes to the weakening of the structures inside and outside the joints, causing pain and decreased of movement.

To combat the loss of collagen and prevent muscle-joint pain, Pododenia commitment collagen injections, which can treat a variety of diseases such as talagia with or without spur, plantar fasciitis, intermetatarsal bursitis, Morton nuromade, "Halluz Valgus" artalagia, Aquilea tendonitis or Posterior tibial tendonitis.

Collagen injections have many advantages, as they are effective to contain purified collagen, improved histological constitution of the joint and tissue (tendons, muscles) and decrease pain.

It is a safe method using purified collagen type I, and innovative for its specific blisters for each affected anatomical structure. It is also easy to combine, for each treatment is customized and is a single injectable collagen for the treatment of muscular-articular pathologies.

Unlike other penetrations, collagen injections are the preferred method by many specialists as the most common way of using is extra-articular (outside the joint): subcutaneous, intradermal or intramuscular. Therefore, it is a little aggressive technique that differs greatly from infiltrations intraarticular (into the joint).

consultation Pododenia treating muscle-articular injections of collagen pain.

Contact PodoDenia

Calle Marques de Campo, nº58 1º Floor, Door-2 03700 Dénia, Alicante
96 578 27 31
1 Comment
  1. Guadalupe Velazquez Raos says:

    How often do they apply?
