
What is the dog beach in Dénia?

08 June 2023 - 09: 00

The coast of Dénia is one of the biggest attractions of the city. However, it is not always accessible to everyone. Pets, in fact, are not usually welcome on the seashore. There is only one beach that admits dogs in the city, located on the north breakwater of the port. However, depending on the date, you can also enjoy the rest of the coast with your four-legged companions.

The historic claim of families with pets

In Dénia there has always been a sector of the population, increasingly larger, that has claimed spaces to enjoy the coast in summer with their pets. In fact, for a few years there has been a beach that allows dogs for twelve months, but it is a very limited corner and lacks the services or care of the rest of the beaches.

However, during much of the year you can access almost the entire Dianense coastline with a dog. Always outside the high summer season, so sun and beach tourism does not benefit from this measure that could serve as a claim for families with pets.

Dog beach

As we said, there is a small corner of the beach where dogs are allowed. In this, known as dog beach without more, people and dogs coexist to enjoy the sand and a good bath away from the prohibitions.

Details of the product

It is a sandy beach formed between several breakwaters, so the presence of vegetation such as posidonia is common. Its extension does not exceed 100 meters, so users have little space to enjoy.


It is located on the north breakwater of the port, between the beach Punta del Raset and the station Baleària. It is a place of easy access from the urban area, since it is a very short distance from it, so it is not necessary to take the car. In fact, it is recommended to walk since there is no parking space. public parking near.



Although it is a highly demanded space, his opinions are usually quite negative. Many users criticize the little section given to the dog beach and its condition, since, being a place between breakwaters, it is very common for a large amount of posidonia to accumulate.

Other beaches that allow dogs

Although the aforementioned is the only beach considered for dogs, the truth is that in most of the Dénia beaches Dogs are allowed outside of the high and mid-summer season.

In almost all the natural beaches of Dénia the presence of dogs is allowed from November 1 to March 1. In the case of the urban beaches of the Marineta Cassiana and a stretch of Marines, Pets are allowed until June 1.

Now, there are some exceptions. Both the ending of Les Deveses like in the l'Alberca area, on Els beach Molins, the presence of dogs is totally prohibited throughout the year.

In addition, restricted areas that cannot be walked on are marked. These are the regenerating dunes, breeding areas also for the plover plover, a protected native species.

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  1. Sand & Fab says:

    My partner and I were preparing to come and spend ten days in Dénia at the beginning of September.
    Why Dénia? Because I spent a wonderful vacation there when I was a teenager (it's starting to come out ^^), and because soon retired, we are very seriously considering leaving France to settle in Spain. Although at the moment the favorite retirement destination is Andalusia, we decided to "try" as many places as possible, before making a final decision.
    I must admit that everything I have read in recent days about the rights of "pets" (we have 3 chihuahuas), what we have seen and read about the beaches (if we can call these places beaches) that are "reserved" for them . On the one hand, it does not encourage us to come and spend a few days in Dénia, nor to come and settle in the regions of Valencia/Alicante...
    Well, goodbye Dénia, Gandia, etc... we will go to another area. Really disappointed.

  2. Andrea Lehman says:

    Ich finde man sollte bei soo vielen Hundehaltern auch einen Platz für Hunde schaffen man könnte ja auch Hundeplätze eingezäunte erbauen ,so können sich Hunde austoben und werden nicht aggressiveiv und andere Leute werden nicht belästigt! Solidarität kann nicht sein , dass wir nur für eine Gruppe solidarisch denken!!!
    Dies erinnert mich sehr an Corona!!!
    Man sollte wirklich eine Lösung für beide Seiten finden.
    For 30 years, all the time on the Strand is played and there is no Mensch hat if it is aufgeregt!!!
    Man könnte wirklich meinen,dass die Menschen immer egoistischer geworden sind.
    Wünsche einen schönen Summer
    Best regards,
    Andrea Lehman

  3. Ignacio says:

    They are all for dogs because their owners interfere in all of them, they do not respect anything and allow their animals to shit in the sand, where later the children play with that sand, we put our towels on top or we walk barefoot. They have transformed the beaches into pipicanes. Disgusting level of riffraff.

    • Pau Colomer says:

      During the winter especially, you show that the presence of dogs cannot be allowed, you keep them loose, my wife is terrified of dogs and they constantly come at her and they are not even apologetic. I was chased by a dangerous breed for at least two kilometers because his owner did not control him and did not pay attention to him, if he catches me he kills me. I'm sick of seeing his responsibilities and I can't stand that because of his irresponsibility we can't enjoy the beach.

    • Reme says:

      Totally agree with your comment.

      • Rachel Arana says:

        The worst dog beach classified in Spain is located in Denia, whose City Council boasts of having a piece of coastline of just 150 meters (how lucky, before it was 20) of tons of rotten algae in thousands of layers that I know have never been there. been collected since they decided to call it dog beach. The lack of hygiene, the stench of rot, the mountains of manure, and not even a shower to be able to remove all that smell and decomposing detritus from the bodies of our dogs and the owners themselves and be able to get into our cars is shameful. To make matters worse, access by said vehicle is unfeasible, you can only approach one by parking for an extortionate 1,80 euros per hour! Thank goodness it's all so unpleasant that a normal person is unable to last more than 1 hour in that dunghill...

        Unfortunately, this opinion is unanimously shared by the few users who are desperate to be able to enjoy one of the few rights that we pay with our taxes... We have been demanding a minimum of hygiene and maintenance for said beach for years, and instead of putting a solution, the City Council continues to keep it completely abandoned, and year after year it gets worse and worse. This year has been the last straw. I demand a response from those responsible who never respond to my complaints. Enough of looking the other way and keeping quiet in response! You are irresponsible, this is a source of infections and a danger to public health!

        • Azure says:

          Totally agree Rachel, the dog beach is a disgrace – the weed is neber cleared and there are no bins. Denia council should be wholly embarrassed as so many people have to use it in that state. I will happily join a volunteer group to clean it up, if there is such a group.

    • Pillar says:

      There are madmen everywhere, but I assure you that the vast majority of us take care of our dogs' excrement, because they are our family, we are the first to suffer from the others and, if we see them, to blame their behavior. That being said, we have the same right to enjoy the beaches as you do. As someone said before, there are many and many who bother on the beach: onlookers, children who scream, run, throw sand on towels, bathers and the sumsum corde, shovel players on the beachfront [when there are meters and meters behind , it must be that they need an audience in front of which to make a fool of themselves] ladies, gentlemen and their respective children, grandchildren, etc., who piss in the water or in a discreet little hole in the sand [or are you going to say no…..) Dirty guys who dream of their fingers in the water and leave their snot gracefully where they fall, or those others no less gracefully who clear their throats and... there they go..., families who have the latest screaming party on their phones at full volume of the moment, and it has to be at full volume because otherwise you would not hear the voices and laughter with which they entertain each other, people all of the above, very respectable according to you because they do not have a dog, who are blown away or that they throw away greasy napkins, pieces of silver paper, the occasional plastic bag or fruit peels without problems and that if things have gone somewhat well they can sometimes treat their own and neighbors with a good burp or even a loud fart . Lord, there are rabble everywhere and among the enemies of the dogs on the beach there are more, because they are still the majority.
      Me and my family have come to your town for the tiny beach that allows us to bathe and be with our 2 dogs during our vacations, and just for that, because someone told us that such a small beach existed, we stayed in their hotels, we ate in their restaurants, we buy in their stores, we do diving courses in their clubs and we will spend approximately 15000 euros in 15 days, like many other dog owners. And you say that we are riffraff???? . Gentleman…go to hell.

    • Eric says:

      Es gibt ja auch andere Hundehalter
      die das Häufchen mitnehmen.
      Aber es gibt auch viele Menschen die es mit der Sauberkeit am Strand auch nicht so genau nehmen da könnte ich auch kotzen was da liegegelassen wird. Also auch Gesindel?!

    • Thomas says:

      It has been years, I repeat, years since I have seen a beach free of cigarette butts, food remains, sanitary pads and diapers floating in the water, containers of all kinds and it turns out that they are the owners of the dogs, of which the vast majority have children, We are the guilty ones!!!!
      On any beach in Europe, pets have free access to any beach, which is logical since they tend to be neater than most "humans."

    • ALFREDO says:


      • Vietnam says:

        Dogs are animals and cannot be compared to children (humans, although small!!!). Let the owners of their dogs in their homes put up with their barking and other “thanks”… and if they put acoustic insulation on them, even better.
        Dog owners should pay a fee/tax for each dog since although some pick up their “poop”, between the liquid and the solid, the streets must be cleaned equally and that is done with everyone's taxes, including those of those who we don't have dogs.
        Surely with the love they have for their dogs they wouldn't mind contributing with... let's say... €100 per dog per year which, divided by 12 months, I suppose they will be happy to pay.
        Just like we pay for cars or motorcycles, even if you have several and can only drive one at a time, you pay the “Traffic Tax” for each one.
        In short, being in a bar, terrace and barking dogs is unbearable. Whoever wants dogs should enjoy them in his house.

  4. Tonino says:

    But what hypocrites we are, Congratulations to all the humans who pee on the beach and then complain that a dog does the.same but.in a.ratio of one dog for every thousand humans, gentlemen, we humans are the biggest spreaders of diseases in the animal world, let's reflect and with education and respect everything is fixed.

    • Ignacio says:

      Do you pee and shit on the beach? And then you coat yourself on top, that's why it's yours? Come on man… think about what you are saying.

      • rafa says:

        Not everyone shits, 95% of the people piss and they spill it, neither the dogs nor the people except maybe you who said it.

      • Thomas says:

        Come post to disturb, entry to beaches is prohibited for smokers, passive cancer spreaders, entry is prohibited for families with egg-playing children, with lunch boxes of food that stink up the entire beach, those who go with the regeton at full speed are prohibited, prohibited to those who arrive with a diesel car...etc.
        Better said, beaches prohibited for everyone.

  5. Gabriela says:

    Mein Gott.So viel Hass auf Hunde. Das sagt schon viel uber die Menschen aus.

  6. Esmeralda Alvarez says:

    We should turn this news into a crusade by civilized people who don't want dogs on beaches. I understand that for their owners, barking pets are "cute" and they perform a well-known companionship. But PLEASE do not force the rest of us citizens to bear the potential illnesses that a dog and its excrement and urine can cause to those of us who DO comply with the regulations.
    RESPECTFUL CITIZENS who read this, please express yourselves and give your opinion. Let's see if for once the City Council pays attention to us.

    • Laura says:

      Hello Esmeralda, as a dog owner I tell you that you are right. The problem is not the dogs but the people who do not pick up and watch their dogs do their business and pick up/clean them. But I think there should be delimited and sanctioned zones if that is not the case so that we can all have what we want. Thank you

    • Martina says:

      Schon mal drüber nachgedacht, was sonst noch so alles im Meer schwimmt? Es gibt Lebewesen, die leben darin und lassen alles ins Meer. Ganz zu schweigen von dem ganzen Unrat, den Menschen ins Meer schütten. And Sie wollen von Hunden krank werden????
      Ich habe selten so viel Intoleranz erlebt wie in diesen Kommentaren. Und man muss nicht Hundebesitzer sein, um das schlimm zu finden.
      Was leben hier für Menschen???
      Toleranz ist übrigens ein Teil von Zivilisiertheit…

      • Emerald says:

        It is gibt einen Hundestrand. Warum benutzen Sie sie nicht? Tun Sie uns den Gefallen und bringen Sie Ihr geliebtes Haustier dorthin, wo es hingehört. Ich bin mir sicher, dass Sie in Ihrem Land nicht so viele Rechte für Ihren Hund haben.
        Spanish translation: There is a beach for dogs. Why don't you use it? Do us a favor and take your beloved pet to its rightful place. Surely in your country they do not give you so many rights for your dog.

      • Ignacio says:

        You speak of intolerance when you are not even capable of showing respect by commenting in Spanish. You speak of intolerance when you make a derogatory comment loaded with prejudice towards the people who live here and you don't even know.

    • Annie says:

      Beesten hebben ook recht om te genieten.
      Als je het gewoon netjes opruimt heeft niemand damage last van
      In opgevoede honden blaffen niet

    • Javier says:

      I agree but the pigs that leave glass cans cigarette butts paper etc. are worse, I have not yet seen any dog ​​throw any of these things on the beaches

      • Gabina says:

        Totally agree, all the veterans come to Denia, I find cans, papers, bags of everything on the ground, I don't know if he doesn't know that garbage is not thrown on the ground, apart from the few ballots that there are many restrictions here for the worst scanners that do not have not a park in the area where I live to the beach not to the park either what do we do with them

  7. Francisco de Cárdenas says:

    Dogs on the beach are dirty, they piss and shit with total impunity from their owners, then we humans go barefoot and step on the poop of the dogs. I don't know if you have stepped on dog poop barefoot but I must tell you that it is the most unpleasant thing. The poop gets between the toes, and to remove it we need to use our hands with which we have poop on our feet, hands and even in our eyes if we get dirt in them.

    • Luis says:

      It is totally unhygienic and a source of diseases but there are the owners who care little.

      • Mayte says:

        I don't understand how dog owners aren't all already sick with the number of diseases that you say dogs transmit... Most dogs are vaccinated, it's mandatory, and they have a health check because they live with us at home, with our children . I have grown up with dogs and so have my children and not one health problem related to them.

        • Doggy says:

          I hallucinate with the absurd comments of the people. Beaches are for everyone, not just for your children to run and play and cry and fill your towel with sand when they run around and play and enjoy... it's the last straw! The crying of children on a plane annoys me, for example, and I have to resign myself to it. Because children cry and dogs bark. If it bothers you, put on some earplugs or stay home but let others enjoy and be happy... (the idiot doesn't bother you...)

  8. I xelo says:

    I agree that a beach for dogs be enabled, but that it be clean, not because it is for dogs it has to be in poor condition.
    I went once with my dog ​​to the beach for dogs and I have not come back, my dog ​​is a white Maltese Bichon with long hair, he went to the beach to bathe and came out completely dirty and full of algae that got tangled up in his hair and it was very difficult for me to take it off since a lot of algae floated in the water and the sand was also full of them.
    That is why I ask that it be cleaned periodically and that it be in good condition for the animals.

    • Luis says:

      If they don't clean for humans, they will clean for dogs. Don't you bathe in the sea with your Bichon Maltese longhair? What do you think about the level of cleanliness for human use?

    • Christina Lijfering says:

      Very well said bravo!!!!


    You are very, very wrong, Mr. Moncho. All Denia's beaches allow pets, to the shame and discredit of our city, because there are signs prohibiting access to dogs, but it seems that all dog owners are illiterate, because they don't know. I, who walk the entire Dianense coast on a daily basis, can attest to what I say. Specifically this morning on the beach of Els Molins there were dogs with masters. And every day I see and have been seeing for the last two years lots of dogs around Les Deveses. There are people, in addition, who have up to 3 and 4 dogs.

    • Javier says:

      Very nice, but when it comes to saving lives, dogs can enter everywhere into the sea Destroyed buildings where there have been earthquakes where there have been snow avalanches and nobody complains hypocrites

    • Gabriele says:

      ha mich. . Ich habe die ausgesetzten Hunde der Spanier aufgenommen.


    You are very, very wrong, Mr. Moncho. All Denia's beaches allow pets, to the shame and discredit of our city, because there are signs prohibiting access to dogs, but it seems that all dog owners are illiterate, because they don't know. I, who walk the entire Dianense coast on a daily basis, can attest to what I say. Specifically this morning on the beach of Els Molins there were dogs with masters. And every day I see and have been seeing for the last two years lots of dogs around Les Deveses. There are people, in addition, who have up to 3 and 4 dogs. Frankly, I find it disrespectful to users, both domestic and foreign, that their owners' furry pets urinate and also defecate in the sand where one then lies down. Including the children. When is our mayor going to take this issue seriously, very seriously, and send vigilantes and authorized members to force dog owners to take them elsewhere? As far as I know, the prohibition of animals on the beach is included in all European legislation, but only in some "remote" and "primitive" places like Denia do they turn a blind eye and give free rein to this absolute lack of respect and civility

    • Rob says:

      Honden zijn minder vervuilend, dan de mensen. Zij laten geen afval achter wat de natuur schade toebrengt en dodelijk is voor de zeedieren. De mens doet dat wel.Geen Europese wetgeving op het verbod van mensen op het strand even min als voor dieren, wel plaatselijke verordingen.

  11. Rachel says:

    Hello, also that beach is not always open since it is closed, because it was breeding I do not know what bird and they closed the beach.
    It is a space that for me is not suitable, at least for my dog. We actually went one day and left, dirty and poorly maintained. And I don't know if for other people their dog is just a dog but for me it is not one of the family. there are beaches towards the marinas that would be better to accept pets.
