
Opinion Rafa Carrió (Compromís): «Seguim en peu»

19 July 2019 - 14: 36

Fa ja quasi two mesos that elecions are going to draw a municipal scene so nou com sorprenent. He is not the one who believed that he deserved, nor the one who believed that he is just, but who he is. I ara, on està Compromís? What is som? Com estem?

Estem en l'oposició, after governing 4 anys amb responsabilitat i haver advised a large part of the social and cultural values ​​that come to Dénia. Yes. They are the things of politics: Hui estàs, demàs estás. I ara, in the lloc that ens trobem hem not limited to caure us in the absurd criticism, in the defamation or in the incoherències. Anem to continue treballant for Dénia and for the transformation of the society, that is to say, political fent, des d'un partit fort, compromises and amb gent amb ganes to build.

I ho farem amb més endeavors from the Valencianist l'esquerra, because this is the only way to defend the national territory, the national values, the national countries and the national drets; The only way to show off Nàixer d'ací per treballar pels d'ací, sense haver of compting or depending on the decisions of the bosses of Madrid.

But yes, you are committed rather than a brand, or a propis. Som a coalition, accustomed to dialogue, pact and arrive at accords; de gent oberta, humble, senzilla, educated in the treball from baix cap to dalt. Som gent who esteemed the se poble, gent com tu, sense més pretensions in politics that rains to protect and pose in value there that it is that I am unique and authentic. I això és fer country, això és fer Country Valencià. Some will not understand, mai ho faran, but this one and that is the way of advancing with society, of endavant.

Des d'aquest nou sceneari continurem treballant i fent country, sumant somriures, sensitites i compromís. Have a great opportunity to create a créixer, to pose for us, to millorar and fer-nos més forts. Ja ho deia Churchill "the comet s'eleva més alt against the vent, not to his favor." Don't be afonats, or feel sorry. Follow the ill·lusió ben alta, willing to transform into opportunitats and fortaleses les nostres debilitats i threaos. Seguim en peu per fer llarg viatge.

What about you, what did you think about l'esquerra, l'ecologisme, progressisme i valencianisme autèntics ... Ens ajudes?

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