
Opinion Compromís Dénia: «It is requereix equaltat cap a la llengua»

August 30 from 2019 - 12: 22

Aquest estiu no hem estrenat polèmiques. Seguim amb les mateixes de semper: Posidònia i la llengua; and a veiled high, he divided it between the quals defending them and the quals defending them. I am also interested in political sectors that use our mainstream media, which continue to be environmental or cultural, but will spread by creating division.

This last one will turn to Tots Els Mitjans for the purpose of applying the linguistic requirement in October to the municipal occupations. Per decomptat, always resonate in the veins that parlen d '"imposició", d' "indoctrinament", "senda de l'independentisme", "nationalisme catalanista" or "sectarisme ranci estalinista". I s'ha dit also that both the incorporation of this linguistic competence in public treballs is necessary when respecting “als drets més bàsics dels ciutadans”. Res més lluny de la realitat.

Since Compromís Believe that this is not "an obligation" to the public climber, but the dret of the Ciutadà / Ciutadana to the fet that is held degudament in the Seua Llengua. The one that is cert is that the previous voluntarism policy has not been effective, i molts valencians and valencianes went to the Administration and in molts cases they did not intervene in the mateixa llengua. We have not obliged that valencià is the proper language in our community, co-official together with castellà, and therefore it is necessary for the staff to function in a capacity-based capacity in this language, which does not imply an atemptat against l'altra .

Per això, estem farts that substitutes the language to divide the society and that molts consider it as a language of segona. Of which parlem nosaltres es d'igualtat i respected cap a tret propi i unic of our culture, and cap to the people that esteem eixa culture. Ja ho diu la llei: “The establishment of a co-official regime did not contradict the principle of the Spanish state of Spain”.

Quan the nou equip de govern del PSOE The delegation of Normalització Lingüística is going to be able to give to Citizens, between altres, after rebutjàrem them competències, we will feel a complete disappointment. That the antics socis de govern foren capaços de trusted-the delegation of a dels béns culturals dels valencians that has more menyspreat the partit of Toni Cantó, the partit who is going to title the nostra llengua de "aldeana", is going to produce a great davant quina anava mistrust to be the future local language policy.

But I fled, if we consider that s'hauria d'haver anat a more mica lluny in some cases, cal donate-li l'h congratulations to the local governor for the political will to apply this proposal, it is in the Government of the Botanic. A proposal that gaudeix de suport legal, and that will suppose a substantial change in l'ús del valencià, essential for balancing the linguistic inequality, and making the city tax to be communicated in Valencia in l'àmbit administratiu.

One given: the Basc Country has guided 223.000 parlants in the last 25 anys to Euskadi, Navarra ... According to a sociolinguistic enquesta realized, they are the youngest ones who drive the seu creixement. I have sigut in part gràcies a l'increment de l'ús de la llengua des de los institutions.

Let none believe that it is tracta d'un requisit excloent. Posing in value the culture and the language serveix per to add, respect and conviure in society.

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