
The opinion of Rafa Carrío (Compromís): «Regidor, veí i amant del Montgó«

29 September 2018 - 22: 03

The people had a natural tendency to express opinions and judgments between the object of influence in the altres, unites vegades amb a constructive finality; you join altres (com in the cas de declaracions d'alguns directius de l'Associació del Montgó) amb the finality of imposing an interested and manipulated vision of the truth that, more would say, serve more parts or ideologies than the citizens.

First of all, how much the resignation of the meua figure with the governor of barri s'obvia is a detailed detail: this càrrec or position will be creat per aquest equip de govern, in that legislature, amb l'objectiu of being a mediator proper and habitual between els veïns i l'Ajuntament, and there was no mai abans in cap altre govern. These people say that this is a figure "that servesix to annoy us." That s'hagen complit totes are not demanded from the veins of the barri does not imply that the function of the ruler does not s'haja realitzat, or that he continues to import als veïns. That is, he met, he reunited, he has been talking to each other, regrets to them impressions, claims and felt a transmitter of the municipal assumptions that concern the neighborhood.

No. Els veïns del Montgó “there are no unlights”. Have you not met totes les seues necessitats? Is it cert that it is an urban area and it serves in it serveis com enllumenat, voreres, embornals ...? Completament d'acord, ara i semper. But every day they have sigut tinguts tant in compte com amb aquest equip de govern.

I perfectly connected the needs of the Montgó, and I connected them from that, at the cost of three more people (among them my group company Vicent Crespo), there at 80, we will start a path to recover the basic services of the area, founding the Association of Veïns del Montgó, and vindicating the governments of turning the necessities and rights that they deserve. When we are considering the distribution of the neighborhood councilors, I will demand to be in charge of the Montgó, precisely because of the best historical connection, because of the rain that comes from the association, and per viure and patter in the area. problems from the start.

He certifies that if you have a lot of things to do during some of the years, however, you will need the amount of investment needed for what you need. Neither abans nor ara. Fa is missing more. In açò estic d'acord. In effect, you will contribute to all our imposts and to have a concordant service ... But, to be seen from Montgó, it does not imply that one does not continue to see the rest of Dénia.

Would it be fair and necessary for the imposes to revert more in the area? Yes. Do you need more investments in the area? Yes. Completament d'acord. But you give them, you give them. What is certain is that it is more important in 3 anys in the Montgó area than in the last 7 anys: mitjançant inversions in els pressupostos ordinaris, els pressupostos participatius and subsidies supralocals. Per pose some exemples: s'han invertit 700.000 euros of the CHX in collectors that will soon be in marxa; s'han asfaltat 30.000 meters quadrats, in 16 carrers, així com els seus clots; ens hem gastat 50.000 euros extra in neteja de barrancs; 22.000 euros in pressupostos participatius; s'han instal·lat uns 60 contenidors, between selectiu i orgànic, i is going to install·lar uns 150 more, but not to mention that s'ha reforçat el servei; i s'ha enlarged the mobili urbà, between altres coses. Ah! I respected the correus bústies, the City Council has signaled the one that implies, posed to the coast of the world, on a subject that did not compete and donated the possible solution. A month to month, a curt ended, 3 projectes de millora of the circulation and senyalètica in Galeretes, encreuament de Santa Llúcia and in La Pedrera are planned.

If it is not I kept a house, fix it down the coast molt més. I am the one who occupies between this meravellous area of ​​Denia. If there is no investment in it, it will last for many years, but current effort may be insufficient. But say it is "abandoned" or "unpacked," is incert. Perquè s'està fent, i molt, keep in mind the resources that are available.

Mai hi hagut so much activity or so much dedicated to Montgó. Mai tampoc s'ha demanat resigned her from the councilor. First of all, mai hi ha hagut, a councilor dedicated especially to this area, is a figure that has created a governor. I will ... swallow them you are conclusions.

I will continue to be a regidor, veí, i sobretot amant i defender of vell Montgó. Enfront of destructive criticism, continue treballant.

Barri del Montgó councilor

  1. H.-J. Kuhl says:

    Ich wohne jetzt 14 Jahre in Denia am Montgo, zahle OBI und Steuern als Resident. Ich wohne im Gebiet Campusos.
    In all diesen Jahren ist hier noch nie eine Strassenreinigung vorgekommen, Die Strassen werden jedes Jahr schlechter und eine Beleuchtung gibt es nicht.
    Die Grüncontainer sind seit einigen Wochen auch verschwunden.
    Die Stadt hatte versprochen das die Buzones bis zum 1. NOVEMBER weiter mit Post beliefert werden. Schlichtweg gelogen.
    Jetzt müssen wir jede Woche in das Posts gehen und nach u Server Post fragen. Dauer etwa 40 Minuten. NACH 10 Tagen wird die Post zurückgeschickt.
    Die deutsche Rentenversicherung hat mir Post geschickt an mein Buzon und es wurde zurückgeschicktweil keine Strassenadresse auf dem Brief stand so dern nur der Buzon. Das hat ja auch die letzten 10 Jahre funktioniert. Jetzt funktioniert nichts mehr.

    Ich muss jetzt überall mitteilen das die Post wieder an den Strassennamen geschickt werden.
    Sollte es mit den neuen Mailboxes irgendwann bad funktionieren muss ich wieder die Postadresse ändern.

    Seit diese Regierung hier dran ist wird nur noch in die Stadt Mitte investiert. Naja auch viel Geld geht natürlich in den gastronomischen Sektor. Bürgermeister uddet Ratsherren fahren ja nach Japan, Norwegen, Türkei und in viele andere Länder um Touristen anzulocken mit der Gastronomie. Am Ende werden daran aber nur wenige etwas verdienen, da der normale Tourist Det Denis besucht selten für ein Abendessen 300 und mehr Euro ausgeben wird.

  2. Juan says:

    What a pity that he does not understand you, because it sure is interesting what you say! Have you understood an 30 percent of Denia, if you settle for it ?!
