
The best and most important museums in Dénia

14 September 2021 - 09: 30

Dénia is a historical municipality with a lot of cultural tradition. A clear reflection of this deeply rooted history are the various museums that the town houses. When we talk about the best museums in Dénia, in total there are four: the archaeological museum, the ethnological museum, joguet museum and the museum of the sea. This selection of museums in Dénia are free, which are managed by the town hall of the municipality.

Archaeological Museum

El Archaeological Museum of Dénia is located in the castle of the city, specifically in the so-called Palau del Governador. The exhibition focuses on the archaeological remains of Dénia that show the evolution of the town from its origins until the end of the XNUMXth century.

In this way, the museum exhibits are divided into four areas or times different. Thus, you can find remains of the Iberian, Roman, Muslim and Christian civilizations, which have passed through Dénia and are part of its extensive history.

See more information here.

Ethnological museum

El Ethnological museum It is located on Calle Cavallers, exactly in a building dating from the early 1800s. The house itself represents and announces what it houses inside. The fragments in the form of photographs or press, the rooms of the building, the utensils and work tools, the clothing and the jewelery that belonged to the bourgeoisie of Dénia during the XNUMXth century.

The museum is a recreation of the way of life and livelihood of the bourgeoisie who based their presence in the city thanks to the raisin trade. On the other hand, one of the most remarkable elements of the house is the ceramic flooring made by the Valencian painter Francesc Dasí, very popular in the XNUMXth century.

See more information here.

Toy Museum

El Toy Museum It is located in the building of the old train station and shares space with the Center d'Art l'Estació. An important part of the history of Dénia has been the toy industry that settled in the town during the 20th century. The rise of this type of trade was such that up to 40 factories came together in the city.

The museum displays toys of the time that became very popular between 1904 and the 60s. Thus, the exhibition contains a wide variety of items and materials, from lithographed tin to metal to popular toys from wood.

See more information here.

Museu de la Mar

History Museu de la Mar of Dénia is recent. It was inaugurated in 2019 as a way to give space to the marine-themed pieces that were exhibited in the archaeological and ethnological museum of Dénia. For this reason, the Dénia maritime museum is located in the old, but restored, Fish Market of the port.

The museum offers a wide sample of elements related to the sea and its trade, so important for the coastal city of Dénia. Thus, gather pieces dating from the XNUMXth century BC to the early XNUMXth century. In addition to the copies recovered from the two main museums in Dénia, it also has pieces that the citizens and residents of the municipality have donated to the entity since its opening.

See more information here.

Other cultural spaces in Dénia

In addition to museums, Dénia has a wide cultural offer, such as the monthly program organized by the Department of Culture and that you can consult in the Events Agenda. For this reason, the municipality houses other spaces, such as the Center d'Art l'Estació, the House of Culture or the Espai d'Art Castejón, where it allows to expand and enrich its cultural offer.

Center d'Art L'Estacio

El Center d'Art L'Estacio It is located in the old train station on the Dénia-Carcaixent line. It is one of the spaces in charge of completing the cultural offer in Dénia. This is due to the possibility that it has to offer space to various exhibitions and works throughout the year. They are usually traveling exhibitions, which can be visited for about a month.

See more here.

Municipal House of Culture

La House of Culture de Dénia is located in the Plaza Jaume I and has three rooms for temporary exhibitions. Through these spaces various art shows are scheduled throughout the year that appear in the cultural program of Dénia.

See more information here.

Espai d'Art Castejón for Aesthetic Participation

The exhibition room dedicated to the work of the painter and sculptor Joan Castejón is located on the ground floor of the Casa de la Cultura building in Dénia. The Espai d'Art Castejón for Aesthetic Participation It was conceived with the idea of ​​being an independent room, for studying the artist's work and a permanent space.

For this reason, it contains the samples that Castejón donated to the City Council. In addition, it was conceived to promote creativity, admiration and, ultimately, art. So, it is also the perfect place for the collaboration of other artists and different aesthetic disciplines.

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