
Call to citizens to clean the beaches of Dénia after the DANA

November 02 from 2024 - 17: 43

The Sustainable Culture Dénia organization has launched a call to the residents of Dénia to collaborate in cleaning the beaches, affected by an accumulation of plastics, reeds and debris due to the recent floods in Valencia. The most affected areas are the dog beach, El Raset beach and the beaches of Les Rotes, where waste has accumulated especially among rocks and breakwaters.

Citizens are asked to collect waste and place it in bags, which will be removed by municipal cleaning services. The initiative aims not only to preserve the natural environment, but also to strengthen community commitment to the environment.

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  1. Fernando says:

    Are the city council employees very busy? We pay taxes for all this, then if they catch infections who is responsible? Start by cleaning ravines and ditches and fine all those who leave rubbish outside the containers, more vigilance.

    • faustino says:

      Good morning Fernando. I can see that you are one of those who live there, one of those who is bothered by the fact that the tents are put up in the summer and that they cut off your view. I know that you are going to say no, but I accept it. What you should do is put on some good clothes, which you will have, get your act together and help to recover the environment, without conditions, without politics, without malice. That is what the rest of us have done and are doing. Now, I don't know if someone who writes vigilance with a b will be capable of that part of solidarity and help. Greetings.

  2. Jose Antonio says:

    And also remove the posidonia

    • faustino says:

      Hello. I'm with you. Simply take charge and collaborate, nothing more. We already know that the Denia councillors favour the people above all and that the extremes are forgotten, but if we all help a little, the burden will be minimal. Greetings.

  3. Tan says:

    And it's not going to be done in Las Marinas or Els Molins? We are always forgotten around here. These beaches in Dénia are also affected.
