
The musical surprise that the students of a school in Dénia will find when they return to class

06 September 2021 - 12: 03

"Music is above thought," said the French painter Eugène Delacroix. It is not an artistic expression whose sole objective is to entertain, but also to transmit experiences, passions and feelings. In short, transmit knowledge.

The school CEIP Cervantes of DéniaAware of this popularizing power that music has, he decided to incorporate this discipline into the daily routine of the school. With a name as the protagonist, that of the deceased Pau DonésLeader Jarabe de Palo. But why him? «Thousands are the roots and only one is the heart", appointment Julia Fornet, director of the center, when we asked the question. "Their songs speak of us, and that phrase represents our center in which 24 different nationalities coexist."

During the past academic year, students from all Cervantes courses participated in the project Life values ​​of Pau Donés. Each class was assigned a song, working on its lyrics and those values ​​it transmitted. During the Day of the bookThe students recited in the form of a poem that little piece of Donés that accompanied them during the previous months, also choosing the most representative phrase of their song and explaining why.

Phrases that the center now immortalizes in a mural that serves as final of this musical project. During the summer, both the Cervantes and The onomatopoeia of silence They have collaborated so that their work and the memory of the singer are captured on the roof of the building's porch. A surprise that the students will find next Wednesday when they meet again with their classmates and can remember what it meant for them to connect with the soul of Pau Donés.

1 Comment
  1. Luis says:

    Very nice afterwards there are the discomobiles, reggaetton, large bottles, various thunderous parties for whatever reason. That is the other musical and social culture that is instilled in them every day from a very young age and from the schoolyard or the nearest street.
