
The Local Police and the Red Cross of Dénia activate a special operation due to the cold wave

January 14 from 2025 - 12: 07

The Dénia Local Police, in collaboration with the Red Cross, has launched a special operation to assist homeless people during the current cold wave affecting the city. The deployment began last weekend and aims to offer basic assistance in the face of the low temperatures that are being recorded.

The operation consists of night patrols carried out by police officers and Red Cross personnel, who go around the city to locate people in vulnerable situations. They are provided with food, hot drinks, blankets, and are offered the possibility of staying at the Red Cross base for the night. On the first day of the operation, three people were assisted.

This initiative responds to the sharp drop in temperatures affecting the area and which, according to weather forecasts, will continue throughout the week. While the alert lasts, the operation will continue to be active to guarantee the well-being of those who are in a situation of social exclusion.

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  1. jopelin says:

    Eskerrik asko ahalegin hauengatik eta hope dugu denek lagundu dezaketela… Askoz inportanteagoa da etxebizitza sozial gehiago sortzea eta alokairu horiei geldiaraztea, Denia edo Calpen, besteak beste, kontrolgabe hauek
    Prezio izugarriak oporretara joatearekin zerikusirik ez duen apartamentu bat bilatzen dutenentzat.

  2. Martha says:

    Danke für diese Einsätze und hoffentlich allen Menschen geholfen werden kann…. viel wichtiger mehr Sozialwohnungen zu schaffen und diesen viel zu hohen Mieten Einhalte zu bieten.. Egal ob in Denia oder ua in Calp wuchern diese unkontrollierten
    Wucherpreise für Wohnungssuchende, die also nichts mit Urlaub machen zu tun haben.
