
Interview with Judith Buigues, winner of the FIC 2010

24 June 2010 - 10: 57

30 last April, Judith Buigues was chosen winner of the seventh edition of Children Festival of Cançó de Dénia. Judith is Dénia, he has 14 and studying third ESO in Colegio San Juan Bautista.
This is the second time participating in the FIC, because last year was also selected in the casting, an experience that has brought him much satisfaction and tells us, has enjoyed sharing it with her companions. In his performance Judith sang the song "Unfaithful" by Rihanna.

Q .: Why did you decide to introduce the casting of FIC?
A .: My friends encouraged me to introduce myself when they saw the casting announced in the journal Llunàtics. Since 5 or 6 years did I love to sing. I participated in the FIC last year and liked it so much as I wanted to take this new opportunity, because it is the last year I could introduce myself.

Q .: How have you lived the preparation of FIC?
A .: I've had very good and all the participants have been very close, we have supported until the last moment, the day of the gala, in which we were more nervous.

Q .: How was the day of the gala?
A .: I was less nervous than I thought. Many people came to see me who did not even wait for me !!! I did not imagine winning, I had the idea that I had already won by being able to participate in the preparation of the festival, knowing my companions ... and when they said my name I did not know whether to laugh, shout, cry ... it was very exciting.

Q .: Would you like to dedicate to the world of the song in the future?
A .: I would be very excited to work on something that I love, we'll see if it can be ...

Q .: Would you return to introduce a casting?
A .: Yes, because whenever you get positive things, is a way to start the road and that you know.

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