
Dénia divides its land into five zones according to fire risks and modifies the Burning Plan

30 September 2022 - 14: 47

The Dénia City Council has agreed to modify the Burning Plan for the municipality in accordance with the Valencian Law on the Prevention of the Use of Fire. One of the great innovations is the change introduced in the division of the floor according to fire risks.

With this modification, Dianense soil is divided into five zones based on the nature of the soil and the danger when using fire to burn waste. The zones are the following:

  • 1. Forest vegetation zone (forest land and agricultural plots)
  • 2. General Agricultural Zone (plots between 30 and 500 meters away from the forest area, in addition to rainfed crops and homes, regardless of how far away they are)
  • 3. Maximum Risk Zone (agricultural plots less than 30 meters from forest areas)
  • 4. Unrestricted agricultural zone (areas at a distance greater than 500 meters from the forest zone)
  • 5. Area of ​​residential and urban use (urban, developable or industrial spaces)

Burning in the forest area requires an exceptional authorization from the Department of the Environment, since it is a protected area. While in zone 2 you will only need an ordinary authorization issued by the town hall. In the fourth zone, the use of fire without authorization will be allowed, with the exception of the areas of trees declared PATFOR, the only requirement is to notify the town hall of the burning beforehand.

More news from the Dianense burning

On the other hand, burning waste will not be allowed in urban areas; the waste will have to be treated at the municipal composting plant. The construction of barbecues and paella pans or activities with fire without authorization will not be allowed either. In agricultural plots, the remains of the activity may be burned (not including pruning waste, which will be treated in the composting plant), but not urban waste, even if it is vegetable. As for fireworks, they may not be used without authorization and will never be launched in non-urban areas.

Another novelty is the modification of the days of burning, they can be carried out on Sunday. Regarding the restrictions, in the new calendar, it will not be possible to burn waste from June 1 to October 16, nor during the Holy Week and Easter holidays (from Holy Thursday to Saint Vincent Monday), during the celebration of the Fallasnor on public holidays in general. To avoid fires as much as possible, burning will not be authorized on pre-emergency days 2 or 3 of forest fire risk.

The hours when waste can be burned do not change: from sunrise to 11:00 am or 13:30 pm (depending on the season of the year). If the time is reversed due to a thermal inversion (when the low temperature causes the smoke to not be able to rise and travel horizontally, instead of rising), the burning will not be possible. You also have to take into account the direction and speed of the wind.

The approved text will be made public to the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP), thus opening the period of 30 working days to present complaints, claims and suggestions. If they do not show up, the ordinance will be executed.

  1. Alberto says:

    Above all, the City Council should apply the law and force the owners of abandoned plots, and there are many, more and more, to keep them clean. The excess of dry vegetation, herbs and bushes, trees that have died due to neglect, is one of the main causes of the multiple fires that we had this summer. Monitoring abandoned plots, contacting the owners, forcing them to keep them clean, that would be useful, but it requires effort and dedication and cannot be done sitting in a chair. Laws are of little use if they are not applied.

    • Brigitte says:

      Bravo Alberto, I don't know you, but I think the same, besides, uncleaned plots cause insensitive and careless people to leave their garbage. Denia is very dirty and more and more for a tourist city.
