The Government of Spain has published the list of municipalities benefiting from the new call for aid from the 2% Cultural Program, from the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda, and Dénia is one of the seven municipalities of the Valencian Community that have obtained subsidies to carry out actions to conserve historical, cultural and artistic heritage.
Specifically, the new project, which has received a subsidy of €637.042,43 (+ VAT), focuses on the restoration of the Devesa tower and the Terra battery. The amount of the subsidy represents 70% of the project budget, which is around one million euros.
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The subsidised project aims to enhance the value of the bastioned military architecture of the Devesa tower and the Terra battery by restoring these elements of the fortification, which are in a very poor state of conservation. It will also allow the development of new historical-artistic itineraries related to military strategies from the 17th to the 19th centuries.
Además, en breve se inaugurará en the castle el nuevo Centro de Interpretación, ubicado en la galería oriental del Palacio, en la cima del monumento, precisamente en el ámbito de intervención del proyecto. El acceso al Centro de Interpretación requerirá que las personas usuarias recorran de oeste a este el recinto superior del Castle donde se sitúan los elementos a restaurar, lo que mejorará notablemente dicho recorrido.