
A hundred people gather in Dénia to demand the release of Catalan political prisoners

January 25 from 2018 - 09: 58

Around a hundred people gathered on Wednesday afternoon in the Plaza de la Constitución de Dénia to request "a free political dispute without fear of reprisals" after the political events in Catalonia in recent months.

Members of ACPV (Cultural Action of the Valencian Country), Sertorius Cultural Association, Jaume I de Pedreguer Cultural Center, El Bloc participated in this concentration Marina Alta, Club d'Escacs Cavallers Marina Alta, Col•lectiu Compromís d'Ondara, CSA La Mistelera, ERPV Marina Alta, Esquerra Valenciana, Escola Valenciana “Federació d'Associacions per la Llengua”, Free Minor Africa, Granotes de Pedreguer, Intersindical Salud Dénia, JODAD (Joves pel dret to decide on Marines), La CUP de Pedreguer, SOS Natura Marina Alta and STEPV (Sindicat de Treballadors de l'Ensenyament del País Valencià).

The concentration began with the sign "Democràcia i Llibertat", supported by representatives of some of these associations, and continued with the reading of the manufesto by Tomás Llopis. It called for freedom for politicians imprisoned by the you procés Catalan, while asking that "the application of Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution be repealed. We ask, from the diversity of our political options, that the current unequal confrontation with the State's coercive capacity be redirected to the field of political dialogue". The civic concentration ended with the song of L'Estaca, by Lluis Llach.

Police deployment

Minutes before the 20: 00 hours, around a dozen National and Local Police made an appearance in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. The concentration was peaceful, although at the beginning they heard, in the distance, slogans like "Long live Spain" o "Puigdemón to the prison".

  1. juanet says:

    They are political prisoners, they have done a lot of damage to Catalonia and Spain.

  2. Luis says:

    What are the «associations» d 'escacs and Free minor Africa doing there? What do your activities have to do with the issue? Joining the party to see that they scratch right? The same for the rest. The new aspirants to live on subsidies hidden behind the false and tortuous idea that Independence is the solution to everything. It is not. It is the creation of a great problem for the population as a whole, as if we no longer have enough.

  3. I xelo says:

    Thank God, you are four cats ..
    You will not get to inoculate the independence poisons in the Valencian Community, here the people are more intelligent and do not let themselves be manipulated.
    They have not found out that we are not in the 70s / 80s that people took to the streets to fight against the Franco regime and to ask for autonomy ... They have not found out that the world has changed ...
    Now we want a BIG Spain within Europe.
    I am proud to be Valencian and Spanish. (Do not call me "facha" because I'm not ..
    Out independentistas!

  4. Jopelin says:

    Until Dénia has come so much idiocy of political prisoners. How much vividor live on the story

  5. Ramonet says:

    Catalonia wants to be a nation.
    He also wants to have his Paisos.
    That is, its Valencia and Baleares regions.
    These scoundrels apesebrados by excluding xenophobes want to become subjects of Puchdemons.
    15 months left and kick ass.
