
Open letter from the PSPV to the PP: «Who asks you the risk that they answer ... Or why the Popular Party does not faena the municipal plens Municipal group of the PSPV-PSOE Dénia»

January 29 from 2021 - 17: 55

Sorry that the councilor Cristina Morera haja resigned, in an act of responsibility, honesty and integrity; After the government team and the remaining members of the Corporation have publicly asserted that they have not rebutted the vaccine and have acquired the compromises to resign immediately if the contrary is demonstrated; After the Plenary Council approves, unanimously by all the political groups, that the competent authority in the matter, the Autonomous Secretary of Public Health, investigates what has happened to the last conseqüències in the vaccination process that has led to a series of d'irregularitats…, some continue to be hooked on the easy carnassa that they have provided to this subject, which is complex in any time of the legislature with the minimum and always labor in the water of the most sterile controversy, per a fer cheap populism , has characterized the seua tradition.

I fruit d'aquest treball còmode i pèsim del Partit Popular is the motion that they claim as valid and vetoed the accusation to the municipal government d'amagar "some thing", when the reality that they do not explain is that l'esmentada proposta no te cabuda in the current legislation.

If the regidors and regidores of the PP feren la seua feina and connect the municipal regulations to know that the object of the commission of investigation that demands:

1- Contradicted the personal individual dret
2- I intended to trade protected rights by an administration alien to the municipal
3- I address an issue that is not a municipal competence either
4- The Conselleria itself oberta an investigation in this regard, among some other motius, for the request of the Dénia City Council: "Des de l'Alcaldia ja s'ha demand per register to the Autonomous Secretary of Public Health and the Sanitari Públic, both dates from the 27th of gener, 2021, a report on the fets esmentats and the protocol that is going to establish, the day of the vaccination to the residence, respect to the way in which the sanitaris have to proceed in cases that remain vials ".

For eixe reason, there is no objection to the commission.

Tot i així, the municipal group of PSPV-PSOE He will carry the Ple, with the support of Gent of Dénia, an alternative motion that did not cast doubt on the desire for maximum transparency of the municipal government.

I, a month, more enllà d'amargar-us will give you the actions that follow qualsevol approval of motion, we will expressly request the Ple to the questions and doubts of qualsevol member of the Corporation, with the commitment to answer the totes and each one d'elles.

But from the Popular Party they will prefer to remain silent and leave openings in the first place and queries, than to have a plan to meet with the Ple, as if they are going to see other political groups.

No obstant això, because there is not even the minimum dubte of l'honestedat d'aquest equip de govern, turn to answer in writing in press, one by one, ask them that the lady María Mut deixa caure interessadament in the seu article:

1.- The PSOE does not want an investigation commission, it wants it to be investigated in the Ministry. And who is going to investigate it? The head of Public Health? The one that marks the vaccination protocols? So that everything remains hidden and we do not find out about anything until a journalist manages again to bring to light the truth that is now being stolen from us? Dénia citizens? Much confidence does not give me this, but hey.

ANSWER: The PSOE YES did an investigation per part of the competent authorities. It has been clarified more than once, but I insist: the council does not have the way or form of access to the information (vaccinated people, vaccination protocol, alternative procedure to follow if there are excess vials, etc).

2.- The PSOE speaks in its motion of "150 irregular vaccinations in the region", according to news from some media. Still less confidence.

ANSWER: This information has been provided by "sources of the Ministry of Health", NOT by the City Council of Dénia, to the mitjà de comunicació diario.es. Concretely, it is diu to the news: "sources of the Ministry of Health inform that they Techniques are analyzed in these moments, case by case, the causes of vaccinations, because it does not mean that the 150 cases are still irregular; they are people who are not in the initial lists, but they can also be sanitaris or people of risk , or of group two, als quals se'ls have posat vacunas surplus if some person included in the lists s'ha refuses to pose-se-la ".
The mateixos that Sanitat manifests are the ones who show up to sue, to Sanitat, the clarification of the whole process of vaccination, to the department of health and the residence of Dénia.

3.- Why don't they talk about the relatives or all those who were vaccinated with mrs. Morera when she has already recognized that her husband was also vaccinated?

ANSWER: Mrs. Morera MAI has esmentat familiars; First and foremost, because this assumpte enters the field of personal privacy and protection of dades that the administration has to guarantee that it has the sole purpose of managing the vaccination process.

Consider that the assumption of political responsibility, which is the one that competes with the Municipal Corporation of the City Council of Dénia, has the maximum representation in the resignation of Mrs. Morera. Insisting on anar-hi més enllà is, per cons, an exemple de l'afany de carnassa that hem esmentat a l'inici d'aquest article.

4.- Why does the mayor state in the singular that “jo no ho sabia” regarding said vaccination? Did someone on the government team know?

ANSWER: Because a councilor of the Corporation, specifically Mr. Rafa Carrió, yes it goes fer l'esforç to ask on tovaca and directly to l'alcade that qüestio. At the disposal of Mrs. Mut, there are tots and every member of the government team to reply to this and qualsevol altre dubte, as we will repeat on more than one occasion.

Entenem que moure rumors among the public opinion is the most interesting per al Partit Popular. I because the gross strategy works, so do not donate opportunity to the truth.

Tanmateix, always there to answer in transparency, also, to the last dubte: CAP MEMBER OF THE CURRENT GOVERN CONEIXIA TEAM ELS FETS FINS THAT IS GOING TO FILTER PREMSA.

Any more questions, Mrs. Mut?

  1. fernando aramburu says:

    They can translate it into Basque for me. I'm from Bilbao and I live in Denia half the year.
    And I don't hear shit.
    But denia sucks since she rules the psoe.
    Resigns mayor of 40% to treason.

  2. Jose Luis says:

    It is known that the k people do not speak Valencian, but if we pay them the salary with the taxes we pay in Denia, we have no right to find out, I am starting to catch the VALENCIAN language mania.

  3. Joselito says:

    Thank you for remembering Spanish-speakers again.
    Ask me for the vote in the next elections.
