
Article by Jovi Seser in memory of Jordi Serra: «A treballador home, a unique friend»

11 October 2019 - 11: 12

A principis dels noranta, principis del meu Batxillerat, vaigé conéixer pels corredors de l'Institut Chabás de Dénia a company that shared some hobbies. It has been known that in adolescence any difference is a provisional eternitat d'experiències, but it is always profit to emmirallar-se in someone who teaches, practices writing and fines and political concerns. Some years later, the best friend of Jordi is going to refer to the University of Valencia. He studied Econòmiques però but had the desire to study with some electives of the assignatures plus returns of Audiovisual Communication, the same career. To the Faculty of Philology we will coincide during those courses while challenging the tedi of the classes with rialles and imitations that tant de bo haguérem registered at aleshores. Afterwards, it was known, the temps runs from pressa, just like the one that compensates for the running of the inevitable stress of the quefers of adult life. Alderman to the City Council of Dénia, deputy to the Corts Valencianes between 2011-2015 pel PSPV, the millor came to deixar dins politics will be the treball ben fet. He compromises In the second region it is possible to manifest the courage with which it defends, for example, a motion in 2011 in support of the MACMA, which crossed the lines of an uncertain desert of debts by the administration. As the councilor of Dénia he is also concerned about the MASSMA, there with the disequilibrium with which the cuts threaten the public services of the Marina Alta during the crisis. And always, in all and every case of these questions, his implication mixed professional and personal. A merit and also a risk that she knew how to manage with elegance.

Malgrat tot, this line does not intend to portray the political Jordi that potser al·ludiran altres signatures i condols. The nomadic vull parl of l'amic that has been prompted by the massa prompte i who advised fer-me somriure fins i tot at the most complicated moments. It is very important that I tried to have lunch once a month a month, it is certain that the chaos d'agenda that moltes vegades made difficult the trobada. Quan coincidem of nou, això yes, I prestige l'actualitat amb causticitat i féiem teràpia joint amb Noemí Amorós, the third member of a triangle that fins i tot had -i- WhatsApp group and that proved that it was to be molt valuós as a person per a tindre com a millor friend a person so valuable as Naomi. On the personal side, sense dubte, he was also a treballer. Maintain lligams so ferms malgrat the distància, els anys and els canvis de faena, from domicilis, is an emotional virtue that you do not mind. The generositat amb què em brindà tants consells rellueix especially for ja is not here. Tot es epímer in aquest món. Nosaltres also ho som.

I have not managed mai bé les absències, nor tampoc estic molt tret in measuring l'abast de la pena in those moments, but I need to summarize the motius pels quals I will not obliterate the meu amic Jordi Serra Ferrer. Ho deia in the title d'aquest article i ho sent dins del meu cor. A home treballador, a unique amic. Tampoc no more adjectius. The little obituaries of solemnity and common tears. He didn't deserve an artificial cap. He was authentic and transparent. Valent, overtot. Lover of life. Dels bons moments i dels bons amics. Amant d'un marit, Juan, amb qui havia assolit la maduresa, la bellesa, d'un amor definiu. Per això this parágraf amb the end of the toast that ens havíem used to celebrate at les vespres de Nadal. A dinar of catharsi de l'any between rialles, bon vi i millor arròs. Ell, Noemí i jo. A toast to each other. A toast to life. A toast to you, amic: great, great and unforgettable Jordi Serra Ferrer.

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